
Thank you notice from Lyon County Clerk/Treasurer-elect Staci Lindberg


I need to shout out to all who believe in me and who supported me in my campaign to become the Lyon County Clerk Treasurer. THANK YOU! I will not let you down. 

I am super excited for this new path to work and serve as your voice. Lyon County has always held my heart, but now will have my ears and voice. Please reach out to me, I want to put public service on the front lines and will need to stay engaged with the people in order to understand the needs of our taxpayers.  

I have been blessed to be given  the skills, desire and opportunity to do this job.  Blessed to have   such a supportive group of friends, family and community to give me the opportunity. 

Blessed in Lyon County
Staci Lindberg


Newly Elected Lyon County Clerk Treasure
(LMD) “Let’s make a difference”

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