
Proposed bill to share money from Tesla tax deal dies in committee


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

Senate Bill 342, which sought to redirect tax revenue from the original 2014 Tesla Tax deal and share with other local governments, did not pass out of committee before the legislature’s committee passage deadline on Friday.

The bill was proposed by Sen. Heidi Seevers Gansert (R-Reno) in concert with the governor’s office, and sought to redirect tax dollars from the initial 2014 Tesla tax deal from Storey County to the state and other local governments.

The bill arose from concern that while Tesla is located in Storey County, many of the impacts such as housing and traffic, are felt in other jurisdictions.


Fernley and Lyon County were two of the jurisdictions that could have benefitted had that tax money been shared, but there was concern among City of Fernley officials about how that might set a precedent for any future developments at the proposed TRIC 2 which would be developed in Fernley.

During the legislative update provided to the city council at its April 4 meeting by the city’s lobbyist, Nick Vander Poel of Flynn Giudici Government Affairs, mayor Neal McIntyre asked whether that bill passing could work against Fernley if the state granted similar tax deals to any companies that come to the Victory Logistics District or if the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center II ever gets built out.

Vander Poel said he would present those concerns to Gansert.

Councilman Ryan Hanan said it would probably be different for Fernley, because Fernley is building homes, and many of the people who work for any such company located in Fernley would live in Fernley.

“Storey County hasn’t built homes,” Hanan said.

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