City of Fernley

Oct. 19 Fernley City Council meeting


1.1. Roll Call  
1.2. Public Forum  
1.3. (For Possible Action) Approval of Agenda
2.1. (Possible Action) Approval of the Voucher Report  
Vouchers for FCC Meeting 10192022
2.2. (Possible Action) Approval of Minutes from October 5, 2022  
FCC 2022.10.05 Minutes Draft
2.3. (Possible Action) Approval of Business Licenses  
New Oct 2022_1
2.4. Possible Action to award a contract to Lumos & Associates for Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) Services for the East Wastewater Treatment Plant for an amount not to exceed $85,000  
Agenda Report
Form – Fernley Form Contract Professional Services Contract (ARPA funding) EWWTP PSC
Fernley WWTP PER Proposal_2019-09-19 (Attachment A)
2.5. Possible Action to approve a will-serve commitment for The Meadows at Inglewood Building H Unit 115 & 120  of .34 ERC’s for Water and 1.16 ERC’s for Sewer for Lyon County Parcel 020-341-11 located at 1044 Inglewood Drive Building H Unit 115 & 120, Fernley, NV  
Agenda Report
2022.10.19 Will Serve – TMAI DayCare
2.6. Possible Action to Award a Contract for Engineering Services for the FY 22/23 PMP Maintenance Project, to Lumos and Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $251,200  
Agenda Report
2022.10.19 Lumos ENGR Services Contract, FY 22-23 PMP, final
2.7. Possible Action to approve the Medical and Recreational Cannabis Cultivation licenses for West118 Investments, LLC  
Agenda Report
2.8. Possible Action to approve the Medical and Recreational Cannabis Production licenses for West118 Investments, LLC  
Agenda Report
3. REPORTS – this item is for various public entity representatives to provide general information to the Council and public. No action will be taken.  
3.1. Reports by City Staff, City Council, and the Mayor, including but not limited to monthly statistical reports by city departments.
4.1. First Reading, Introduction of Bill # 318 (ZMA22008)
Consideration and possible action to introduce Bill # 318 as an ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment request to change the zoning on a site ±83.9-acres and generally located north of Farm District Road at the intersection of Clearwater Parkway (APN: 021-341-18) from RR1 (Residential – Rural, 1-acre minimum) to ±68.4-acres of SF6 (Residential – Single-Family, 6,000 square feet minimum) and ±15.5-acres of MDR14 (Medium Density Residential, 14 dwelling units per acre).  
Agenda Report
Bill # 318 – ZMA22008
Vicinity Map
Existing Zoning
Proposed Zoning
5.1. Public Hearing – Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA22007) & Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM22006)
Consideration and possible action on a Zoning Map Amendment and Tentative Subdivision Map request on a site approximately 8.63 acres in size generally located approximately 1,300 feet east of the intersection of US 50A/US95A and Desert Shadows Lane with an address of 610 Desert Shadows Lane, Fernley, NV. (APN: 021-541-56)To change the zoning from SF20 (Residential – Single-Family, 20,000 square feet minimum lot size) to SF12 (Residential – Single-Family, 12,000 square feet minimum lot size)To allow for the development of a 23-lot single family residential subdivision.  
Agenda Report
Conditions of Approval – TSM22006
Vicinity Map
Existing & Proposed Zoning Map
Tentative Map Plan Set
5.2. Public Hearing – MPA22003 & ZMA22008
Consideration and possible action on a Master Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment request for a site ±83.9 acres in size generally located north of Farm District Road at the intersection of Clearwater Parkway. (APN: 021-341-18)

A Master Plan Amendment request to change the land use on a ±15.5-acre portion of the project site from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Mixed Residential (MR).

A Zoning Map Amendment request to change the zoning on a ±68.4-acre portion of the project site from RR1 (Residential Rural, 1-acre minimum) to SF6 (Single Family Residential) and to change the zoning on a ±15.5-acre portion of the project site from RR1 (Residential Rural, 1-acre minimum) to MDR14 (Medium Density Residential, 14 dwelling units per acre maximum).  
Agenda Report
Vicinity Map
Existing Master Plan
Proposed Master Plan
Resolution # 22-018 for MPA22003
Existing Zoning
Proposed Zoning
Bill # 318 for ZMA22008
6. STAFF REPORTS  6.1. Possible Action to discuss a contract for employment services between the City of Fernley and Patrick Marsh as the City Manager.  
Agenda Report
Marsh Offer Ltr – City Mgr 9.14.22
7.1. Possible action and discussion regarding a future agenda item to explore the possibility of the City partnering with the library for community outreach projects.  (Councilwoman Zoberski) 

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