
NDOT to make pedestrian/bicycle improvements in Wadsworth area


Courtesy Nevada Department of Transportation

Beginning June 20, roadway shoulder and intermittent lane closures will be in place on State Route 447 (Washeim Street) through central Wadsworth as the Nevada Department of Transportation installs pedestrian and safety improvements.

Drivers will see intermittent lane and shoulder closures on Washeim Street between Fourth and Sagebrush streets June 20 through mid-August, primarily between 7 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays. Pedestrian, business and side street access will remain available during construction. While most delays will be less, drivers should anticipate traffic delays of up to 30 minutes as traffic flaggers alternate traffic through the work zone.

NDOT, in conjunction with the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, will install the following improvements on SR 447 between Fifth and Eighth Streets:


• New multi-use path on west side of the roadway
• Two new and one updated crosswalk with three new flashing pedestrian crossing lights, providing safer and more designated access to Natchez Elementary School and other areas
• Radar-activated speed signs will be installed 
• Additional street lighting at intersections
• Enhanced school zone signage and roadside drainage, on State Route 447, or Washeim Street, through central Wadsworth
• Resurfacing of Washeim Street through downtown Wadsworth

The project was developed in partnership with the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe and funded in part by a Tribal Transportation Safety Fund grant received by the Tribe. The goal is to enhance safety, mobility and connectivity so pedestrians and bicycles can more securely access and share the road, including access to local school and community centers.

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