
Military briefs around Northern Nevada: Week of Dec. 9

NDVS Reno office moving

The Reno HQ office is moving from its current McCarran Blvd. location to 9400 Gateway Drive in South Meadow.

The new building is much bigger providing areas for veterans’ groups to meet and gather. Eventually the entire building will be completely ours, setting NDVS up to become a “Veterans Center” in the years ahead.

The new HQ will allow for easier access to NDVS and serve and the hub for services and engagement for our veterans! The move will not impact nor change email addresses, phone numbers or fax numbers of those working within Reno HQ, which includes members of the Executive Team, Human Resources, Finance and IT.


New mailing and physical address:

Nevada Department of Veterans Services

9400 Gateway Drive

Reno, NV 89511

Veterans Guest House raffle

The Veterans Guest House’s annual raffle is underway. For just $100 per raffle ticket, you’ll enter for the chance to win prizes ranging from $500 to $5,000.

The winning ticket will be drawn at the holiday part on Dec. 14.

When you purchase a raffle ticket, you’re directly supporting veterans and their families during times of medical need. Your support provides lodging, meals, transportation, and post-operative care entirely for free to more than 7,000 veteran families across Northern Nevada each year.

Tickets may be purchased online or by visiting Veterans Guest House, The Flag & Banner Store or PJ’s Restaurant.

Adopt a Vet Dental

The Adopt a Vet Dental Program calls attention to the current state of affairs in Veterans dental care by releasing a video.

To watch the video, visit

A shocking 85% of veterans are ineligible to receive dental care through the VA Healthcare system across the country. This means that every year thousands of veterans seek out help for dental abscesses and pain in their jaws. In their pain, they turn inwards and begin to self-isolate from their loved ones.

Some go as far as pulling their teeth through whatever means are easiest for them. The Adopt a Vet Dental Program asks that you help us create awareness that hope does exist.

AAVD’s mission is to give free critical and life-saving dental care to impoverished veterans throughout the state of Nevada. AAVD’s over 162 providers have donated more than $9 million in care for the last 14 years.

Equipped with new smiles, veterans can continue their legacy of service by actively participating in their communities.  To learn more about AAVD, visit:

Nevada Guard retiree monthly meetings

There will be no breakfast meetings in December.

  • The Nevada Air Guard’s monthly breakfast is on the second Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. at the Reno Elks Club.
  • The Nevada Army Guard’s breakfast is on the second Monday of the month at 8 a.m. at the Carson City Elks Club. (November will be on the 18th. )The group would really like to increase participation. Currently, the group has about 20-25 regulars.

Remember there is no charge from the Elks for the breakfast.

Each meeting normally features a guest speaker. Guests are welcome.

Veterans Upward Bound

Veterans Upward Bound at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno welcomes veterans. TMCC can help with academic advisement, college applications, educational benefits, academic review and referrals to community resources.

Veterans Upward Bound is a U.S. Department of Education program for veterans. For information call 775-829-9007 or email The website is

Veterans parents act

The Education Flexibility for Veteran Parents Act will allow veterans with children to access full housing benefits provided through the G.I. Bill regardless of whether that program is in person or online.

The G.I. Bill is an essential tool for many veterans to advance their education. Currently, veterans who are parents and pursuing their education online are only eligible for half of the G.I. Bill’s available housing benefits. This requirement often forces parents to choose between attending in-person classes to receive full benefits or staying at home with their children.

DEERS station opens in Carson City

A new Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) station in Carson City promises to give uniformed service members in the Capital City region improved access to the Department of Defense’s database that includes information for each uniformed service member (including active duty, retired, and reserve component individuals), DOD civilians, and other personnel as directed by the DOD.

The new Carson City station, located within the Office of the Adjutant General, 2460 Fairview Drive, replaces the recently-closed DEERS station in Reno at the Military Services Support Center, 685 E. Plumb Lane. Reno does retain a DEERS station just a short distance from Plumb Lane at the Nevada Air National Guard Base, 1776 National Guard Way.

DEERS enrollment is essential for those seeking a military common access card or a Uniformed Services identification card. DEERS registration is also required for TRICARE eligibility and enrollment.

To make an appointment, go to (use the location “AG HQ Nevada.”) Due to security issues, walk-in appointments are not possible.

To request an appointment at the Reno DEERS station, go to: or call 775-788-4523.

For information about identification card processing at Naval Air Station Fallon, call 775-426-2808.

Vet Tix Discount tickets to events

Veteran Tickets Foundation (Vet Tix) is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides free tickets to sporting events, concerts, performing arts, and family activities to currently serving military members, veterans of all eras, and immediate family of those killed in action.

Since 2008, Vet Tix has provided over 25 million free event tickets to over 2 million members.

In 2018, Vet Tix launched 1st Tix, which provides the same benefit to our nation’s first responders, including current and retired law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMTs, and 911 Dispatchers.

These events help service members, veterans, and first responders reduce stress, strengthen family bonds, build lifelong memories, and encourage them to stay engaged with American life and their local communities.

Vet Tix spends over 98 percent of its revenue on its programs, ensuring we give back to those who have given so much

Visit and to learn more.

Military articles and news briefs are compiled by the Nevada News Group.

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