
Local agencies conducting Community Health Needs Assessment for Quad Counties


Carson Tahoe Health, in partnership with several area health organizations, including Carson City Health and Human Services, Lyon County Human Services and more, is inviting members of the Quad Counties to take an online survey to determine the most pressing health-related needs from the perspective of community members. The survey requests input from the public about the availability of opportunities to be physically, mentally, socially and economically healthy.

The survey, conducted every three to five years, provides local health organizations with feedback about the most pressing community health issues according to citizens, as well as provide an update on health issue status. The survey will be open from now until 5 p.m. on Friday, August 12 at

“It has been exciting to join hands with Carson Tahoe Health and so many community partners from throughout Storey, Lyon, Douglas, and Carson City region as we try to collaboratively address the collective health of the entire region,” says Erik Schoen, Executive Director Community Chest, Inc. “In addition to looking at how we develop all aspects of needed medical and clinical services, I am especially interested in what we may learn about the role of social connectedness in helping to support vibrant health through a variety of health and wellness supports that are not only extremely cost effective but also life-enriching and life-enhancing.”

With insight from the community, Carson Tahoe Health and its partners are able to understand gaps in coverage and prioritize certain services in an effort to improve community health.


“There are two critical components of this project,” says Amy Hyne-Sutherland, Director of Mission Integration at Carson Tahoe Health. “The first is that we need to get insights from as many of our Quad-County community members as possible, from different geographies and backgrounds and sectors, to really help us understand and quantify the need. The second is in the development of relationships and collaborations throughout the process. When we get back the data and learn about the needs from our communities, we will have already strengthened the partnerships that are necessary to make actionable, collaborative plans and put those plans into action.”

In addition to the online community survey, data collected through focus groups, phone surveys and more will complete the Community Needs Health Assessment. Following the final data collection, Carson Tahoe Health and its partners will review community needs and move forward with future programs, events and initiatives in response.

“I am very pleased to be collaborating with Carson Tahoe Health and partners in Douglas, Lyon, and Storey Counties for the Community Health Needs Assessment,” said Nicki Aaker, Director of Carson City Health and Human Services.  “Because of this collaboration, our communities will benefit because most of the problems each of us face are regional. By working together, it gives us the opportunity to come up with solutions that are effective within our community and throughout the region. The goal is for healthier communities and achieving this needs a regional approach.  Thank you, Carson Tahoe Health for inviting CCHHS and various community partners to participate in this very important endeavor.”

To take the survey and be entered for the chance to win one of two $100 Visa gift cards, community members can visit For those who wish to fill out the survey on paper, CCHHS has paper copies available, and can mail a paper version directly to individuals. To receive a survey by mail, please contact indicating CHNA Paper Survey in the subject line and provide your name and mailing address. 

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