La Fiesta damaged by fire

Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter
One of Fernley’s most popular eateries will be closed indefinitely after it was damaged by a fire late Saturday morning.
The fire broke out shortly before 11 a.m. Saturday at La Fiesta, 110 E. Main St, but firefighters were able to attack the fire aggressively and contain it to the rear area of the restaurant and the roof.
North Lyon County Fire chief Jason Nicholl said the restaurant staff was getting ready to open for the day when an employee went outside the back of the building and noticed flames on the roof. Firefighters responded quickly, with 22 firefighters responding from North Lyon Fire, Central Lyon County Fire and Pyramid Lake Fire and Rescue.
“We’re grateful no one was injured and we were able to make a good stop. This was a really fortunate stop,” Nicholl said.
Nicholl said the cause of the fire hasn’t been determined, but they will investigate as they do all fires and they are currently focused on the cooking area.
Nicholl said the location of fire hydrants nearby allowed the firefighters a quick water source to begin fighting the fire, but he said initial efforts were hampered by traffic on Main St., until law enforcement was able to close Main St, temporarily.
“I sure hope they get the restaurant fixed and open soon,” he said.