
Hogan resigns from school board; Trustees vote to begin accepting applications immediately


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

The Lyon County Board of School Trustees Tuesday night voted to move forward immediately to seek applicants to fill the District 7 seat being vacated by the resignation of Mike Hogan.

Hogan was appointed to the board last year following the resignation of Kimber Crabtree. At that time she resigned, Crabtree represented District 7 as a resident of Smith Valley, but because of redistricting, that district was dissolved and combined with Mason Valley and a new district was created representing a portion of Fernley.

Hogan then won election in November to retain the seat.


In his letter, Hogan said he resigned effective March 10, saying “I have realized that this position needs more time and dedication than I am able to provide. Supporting Lyon County School staff, students and families is a priority and one that deserves a high level of commitment. Unfortunately, my current obligations interfere with this duty, therefore it is in the best interest of all if I step down.”

Superintendent Wayne Workman told the Trustees that by accepting applications beginning immediately, they can interview candidates and potentially make an appointment at their April meeting.

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