
Get ahead, catch up with accelerated classes in WNC’s winter session


Courtesy Steve Yingling, Western Nevada College

Learning doesn’t stop at Western Nevada College between the end of fall semester and the start of spring semester.

This five-week period between semesters provides students with the opportunity to take classes during winter session.

WNC offers accelerated online courses in three and five-week increments for full credit.


This means students can get ahead or catch up in the degree they are pursuing, or individuals can take a class that interests them.

Register now for 5-week classes that begin on Monday, Dec. 19 and end on Friday, Jan. 20 and three-week courses that start on Tuesday, Jan. 3 and conclude on Friday, Jan. 20.

To view winter session classes and their descriptions, go to

Courses are offered in Art, Biology, Core Humanities, Communication, English, History, Information Systems, Management Science, Mathematics and Psychology.

            Five-week online classes offered by WNC are:

            • Life in the Oceans (BIOL 113)

            • Intro to Cell & Molecular Biology (BIOL 190)

            • The Modern World (CH 202)

            • Composition II (ENG 102)

            • Novels Intro Film (ENG 200)

            • Intro to Environmental Science (ENV 101)

            • Survey of U.S. Constitutional History (HIST 111)

            • Fundamentals of College Mathematics (MATH 120)

            • Precalculus I (MATH 126)

            • Precalculus II (MATH 127)

            • Psychology of Personal/Social Adjustment (PSY 102)

If you want to wait until the holidays have passed, WNC offers 3-week, accelerated classes starting on Jan. 3:

            • Visual Foundations (ART 100)

            • Art Appreciation (ART 160)

            • Ancient and Medieval Cultures (CH 201)

            • Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (COM 102)

            • European Civilization to 1648 (HIST 105)

            • The Roaring 20s (HIST 290)

            • Introduction to Information Systems (IS 101)

            • Organizational Behavior (MGT 323) 

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