
Fernley Reporter Election Guide: City of Fernley offices


For the upcoming general election, Robert Perea, publisher of The Fernley Reporter, and Cody Wagner, Chair of the Fernley Community Foundation, have teamed up to gather information from local candidates to help educate voters throughout our region. A series of prompts and questions were emailed to primary candidates through their email addresses listed with the Nevada Secretary of State. Responses were not edited for content, punctuation, or grammar. Candidates are listed by position, then alphabetically by last name.  Portions of responses not pertinent to the candidate’s position on the question and attacks on other individuals were removed to support the integrity of this publication. We will update this story as candidates submit their responses.

Mayor, City of Fernley

Name: Roy Edgington

1. Please provide a short biography and include anything voters might be able to use to research further (website, social media, etc.)


All my life, service to my family, this community, state and our country is a pillar that I have always placed first and foremost. I enlisted in the United States Air Force and then served as a firefighter for over 27 years at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport. After retirement, I was elected in 2010 as a Fernley city councilman and now I serve as your mayor. It has been a complete honor to serve the City of Fernley. My commitment has been to work with my peers on the council and staff to layout a vision for the City of Fernley that we all can be proud of. I have watched Fernley grow and prosper and I am humbled that the people of Fernley have trusted me as the city continues to evolve. My goal is to help navigate this growth with a fiscally conservative approach that supports a vision for tomorrow. With the City of Fernley for fiscal year 2023 general revenue budget is $33 million dollars with 40% of the budget being dedicated to capital improvement projects. It is the responsibility to provide efficient and effective services to our citizens while being prudent with our taxpayer dollars.

2. What are the key parts of your platform?


F – Fiscal Responsibility: Working with the City Council and Staff to maximize and leverage our budget.

I – Industry Development: Working to bring more businesses and local jobs to the city of Fernley including the $25 Million RAISE Grant which will connect Interstate 80 to Highway 50 through Nevada Pacific Parkway.

R – Recreation and Parks: We are excited that the Boys and Girls Club will soon be opening a new facility in Fernley for our youth. The addition of a new Community Center at The Depot. The establishment of a new Senior Citizens Center. It is important that we have safe, secure and well-maintained recreational facilities for all.

S – Safety: Maintaining and enhancing our strong relationship with the Lyon County Sheriff’s Department and Fire Professionals.

T – Tomorrow’s Vision: I have the proven experience and vision to continue to lead Fernley into the future. We continue as a team to strive towards building Fernley’s future.

The Fernley F.I.R.S.T. platform is my commitment to you. Years as a councilman and Mayor have provided me the knowledge and history to understand Fernley’s challenges and operations. This knowledge provides me a foundation to provide leadership to insure for a secure Fernley future.

3. What are your three biggest priorities if elected?

In my final term as Mayor, my goal is to identify a solution to the C-TAX inequity that Fernley currently receives from the State. This will mean advocating in Carson City to insure we have the revenue necessary to provide adequate public safety. Responsible and balanced growth is tantamount to ensuring that Fernley has the jobs and infrastructure to be a vibrant community. Roads, parks and recreation will continue to be a priority for me which will require this administration to work with Federal and state agencies and private sector to identify revenue streams for maintenance and expansion efforts.

4. How do you believe growth will affect our region, specifically Fernley?

Fernley has come a long way in the last ten years. It was not long ago in 2012, the city was recovering from the Great Recession and long-term planning was not prioritized. Back then, we had only 51 City employees with a population of 19,368 residents and our General Fund Revenue was $4.4 million. Today, we have 71 City employees serving 23,064 Fernley residents. Our current General Fund revenue is $12.8 million, a 190% increase from levels ten years ago. The General Fund provides general government services and is separate from the Water and Sewer Enterprise Funds. The city has proven and continues to be financially responsible. Development is occurring, and the city is changing. We must look toward the future and adhere to the established plans and regulations to ensure long-term sustainability. It is critical to balance growth with the community’s values and look forward to how that growth will impact the City’s resources and infrastructure.

5. What are your thoughts on Nevada’s property tax and sales tax/Consolidated Tax (C-TAX) collection and distribution system and how they affect Fernley?

The final step will be as an advocate in Carson City working with the Nevada Legislature to continue to push through key legislation that addresses the inadequate funding we receive from the distribution of Consolidated Tax. The property tax assessment system needs to be upgraded in over thirty years by the State and we need to work with the Nevada League of Cities to develop an amenable legislation. With the growth that Fernley has experienced and will be experiencing is it time for the city to look at establishing a police department? The City of Fernley went all the way to the Nevada Supreme Court where the court ultimately ruled that the City of Fernley needs a police department for it’s allocation of Consolidated Tax. Without the addition of a police department, the State will not reevaluate the C-TAX allocations currently as distributed to the city which is required by Nevada Revised Statute (NRS 360.740).

6. What are your views on the management of the water and wastewater systems in Fernley and the enterprise funds responsible for operating each?

The city continues to make progress which will insure for a sustainable Fernley future. There were several notable projects which included:

  • The City awarded a contract for the construction of the surface water conveyance project. This project is now underway.
  • The Wastewater Treatment Plant Waterline Extension
  • We are in the process of developing a new well that will provide additional water resources to our community.
  • The first phase of construction for the Farm District Road Lift Station Rehabilitation Project

We are fortunate to have excellent staff that understands that our sustainability as a community relies on our ability to respond to the water and wastewater needs of our citizens.

  • The refinancing of the bonds removed $9.5 million of debt, and we are halfway thru the repayment period.

7. How do you see the future of our State, County, and City of Fernley evolving?

As Fernley continues to transform from a rural area to an urban community, I have seen a turn around on how we do business and our community’s priorities. I have seen our organization develop master plans and use them to make sound financial decisions. These long-term plans will help our elected and appointed officials make decisions for the future and ensure we stay on the right path. We, as a community, have come a long way, but community involvement is a MUST in order for our future to be robust.

Name: Neal E McIntyre

1. Please provide a short biography and include anything voters might be able to use to research further (website, social media, etc.)

I was born February 20th, 1956 in Oceanside, California.  I moved to Fernley at the age of 4.  I attended Fernley Elementary, Middle, and High Schools, graduating in 1974.  I went on to continue my education at the College of Southern Idaho and received my A.A. Degree in Agi. Business.  To further my education, I received a scholarship to the University of Nevada, Reno.  While attending UNR, I married my childhood sweetheart Victoria Mendoza in 1976 and we are still married (46 years and still going strong).  We have 5 wonderful children: Amy (Henderson), Neal II, Nathan, Mandy, and Anthony.  We have 25 grandkids and 3 great grandkids with one on the way.  Most of them live in Fernley.  I was appointed to Lyon County School Board of Trustees in 2008 and will continue to serve as a Trustee until the end of this year when I’m term-limited.  I’m on Facebook as Neal E McIntyre for Mayor and have a website,  I can also be reached on my cell phone (775-233-0524) or by email (

2. What are the key parts of your platform?

Key parts of my platform are to never give up on looking for ways to obtain Fernley’s fair share of the Consolidated Tax (C-Tax).  I do know that is, or would be, great help in making Fernley move forward in a positive way.  It’s a very complicated process and will take a lot of involvement from a lot of entities and people – such as landowners, county commissioners, assemblymen, senators, and the Governor.  I will never give up on this as it’s vital to helping the people of Fernley as well as the City.

3. What are your three biggest priorities if elected?

Traffic in Fernley needs a lot of attention with the growth of our great city.  I know it’s been looking at, but not moving fast enough for the growth we’re having.  We need to work with the state and landowners as well as the railroad to get Exit 50 (Nevada Pacific Pkwy) pushed through to Hwy 50.

We need to bring in businesses that the people of Fernley need and want to keep them shopping and spending their hard-earned money here.  This would save them money spent on gas and time, and at the same time help Fernley with taxes collected.  If we can get our fair share of the C-Tax, this is where it would be helping Fernley and the people within.

I’m for commonsense approach to growth, affordable housing for seniors and young adults.  With growth, we need to look at location, infrastructure, how it will affect traffic, what type of businesses that keep residents spending their money here in Fernley.

4. How do you believe growth will affect our region, specifically Fernley?

I believe growth is evident.  It will affect Fernley in a positive way, and we must be better prepared for it.

5. What are your thoughts on Nevada’s property tax and sales tax/Consolidated Tax (C-TAX) collection and distribution system and how they affect Fernley?

I’ve already spoken about my feelings on C-Tax.  It’s vital for Fernley now and in the future.

6. What are your views on the management of the water and wastewater systems in Fernley and the enterprise funds responsible for operating each?

I’m currently learning more about the Enterprise Funds and how they work.  I do know raters are increasing and want to really get to know the facts before commenting further on what can be done.

7. How do you see the future of our State, County, and City of Fernley evolving?

I’ve been in Fernley for 62 years.  I’ve seen the growth.  I still remember the first chain store to this City, 7-11.  We were so excited but wondered why it was built so far out of town.  Somebody had a vision greater than mine at the time.  I see Fernley as a great place to live, and proud to be from here.  I feel it’s a privilege to live here in Fernley.  We have great schools and caring people, who mostly take pride in living in Fernley.  I will say this: “not everyone agrees with each other, and that’s okay, but we all need to respect each other’s thoughts and opinions”.

I also think the City needs to do a better job of letting the residents know all the good things happening in Fernley.  All the projects coming, as well as those in progress, need to be told to the citizens.  We need more transparency.

City Council – Ward 1, City of Fernley

Name: Ryan Hanan

1. Please provide a short biography and include anything voters might be able to use to research further (website, social media, etc.)

My name is Ryan Hanan and I am running for City Council Ward 1. I have lived in Fernley for just over 11 years. I currently serve on the Desert Lakes Homeowners Board and have since 2014. I was instrumental in bringing that organization from bankruptcy to financial solvency. I was a volunteer and paid Firefighter for 4 years with over 2500 hours of service to our local community. I currently serve as co-chair of the Lyon County Animal Control Citizens Advisory Board and have for 3 years. I have completed the City of Fernley Leadership Academy 7-week course 3 times. I ran a campaign for mayor in 2018. I have spent many years researching everything Fernley from the budget to C-Tax to the costs of a Police Department, Water, Roads, Infrastructure along with the pros and cons of future Development and Growth. I am the only candidate for Ward 1 who has toured the water treatment plant three times and the sewer treatment plant twice. I regularly attend all of the city council meetings. I am the only candidate who has a real working relationship with outside agencies like NLCFPD, NDOT, NHP and Lyon County working to actually get things done.

2. What are the key parts of your platform?

The key parts of my platform are pretty simple. Principles, Integrity, Experience and Determination. Principles: We finally need a candidate who tells the truth and uses facts to back up what he/she is saying. We need to stop repeating rumors and making excuses and once and for all produce actual results. Integrity: I am probably the most honest person you will meet. You will always know where I stand on a topic. I will fight for what’s right. I do and say what I mean. Experience: I manage a $20 million dollar business in Fernley. I have brought financial solvency to many struggling organizations. I have been an entrepreneur most of my life. I have a proven business track record with skills the city desperately needs. Determination: I am laser focused. I fight until I win. I never give up. Excuses are not in my vocabulary. I will work hard and produce results. I am “The Change We Need” and “The Voice We Deserve”. Lastly, we need to broadcast more positivity and less negativity.

3. What are your three biggest priorities if elected?

I am going to direct our city staff to start the process of researching a course of action for Fernley to finally solve the C-Tax issue once and for all. Working on creating a foundation for a Police Department or “contract services” through the county that fulfills the necessary C-Tax obligation. Begin an actual cost analysis of law enforcement services so that we can intelligently discuss and plan for our future and understand our needs and obligations before we decide the best course of action. Working with Lyon County to (right now) bolster the police services we already have until we are ready to provide our own is also key. Another very important issue is working with the BOR on water issues for our private well owners and of course our municipal wells. We need to help those on wells safeguard their livelihood and protect the valuable natural resources Fernley has for future generations. I will stand up and fight for you. I have several plans that will help well owners safeguard their farms for generations.

4. How do you believe growth will affect our region, specifically Fernley?

Growth is something we desperately need “fiscally” contrary to what some believe. Some may not know this but when Fernley was incorporated in 2001 there was a “Master Plan” of carefully thought-out zoned land throughout our 128.4 square mile city. It included massive business parks and industry marketed as the “second best distribution facility site in the country” with overnight shipping access to over 90 million people. It also included vast housing developments as a suburbia for Reno/Sparks. On October 21st 2009 a 30 million gallon per day water treatment plant at a cost of $65 million dollars was built to filter arsenic from our drinking water as federal safe drinking water standards changed. Fernley was one of the fastest growing cities in the US during the housing boom of the early 2000’s. The water plant size is an indicator of the massive growth the Fernley City Founders were preparing for. Growth will allow business to thrive and provide better services and retail/restaurants/amenities so that you won’t have to drive to Reno. It will help generate much needed tax revenue and will allow the city to do things like pave roads and complete traffic improvements. Right now, we are over $20M underfunded for road repairs. That number jumps to $30M in 4 more years.

5. What are your thoughts on Nevada’s property tax and sales tax/Consolidated Tax (C-TAX) collection and distribution system and how they affect Fernley?

My thought on C-Tax and simple and well known. Next year Fernley will receive $12 per person in C-Tax when comparable cities in Nevada will get anywhere from $375 to $850 per person. Fernley received just over $200,000 this year (2022) in C-Tax. This year Lyon County received over $18,000,000. Next year Lyon County will receive just over $22,000,000 in C-Tax (a $4M increase) and Fernley will get a bump up of about $20,000. Why in the hell are we letting this happen?? This insanity must stop! I will not allow this to continue. It’s finally time we elect a strong aggressive steadfast leader who will do everything in his/her power to fight until we win. I have a plan to address the C-Tax disparity with the state and it starts at the Department of Taxation Appeal Board. My plan encompasses a multi part strategy to address this massive loophole in tax reallocation using the existing ruling from the State Supreme Court. I will fight this battle for you and not stop until I win.

6. What are your views on the management of the water and wastewater systems in Fernley and the enterprise funds responsible for operating each?

Water and Sewer are topics I know a lot about. Fernley built a 30 million gallon per day plant, that in its current configuration, can produce 20 million gallons per day. To expand to operate at 30 million gallons there are simply rows of filters and two pumps that are needed which are already plumbed for expansion. The water plant produces an average daily output of 3,000,000 gallons. A far cry from its intended ability. The sewer plant consists of basically settling ponds with aeration. We release approximately 1.4 million gallons of waste water per day back into the Fernley Sink. Fernley collects about $9 million dollars in “connection” fees each year before you use one drop of water. My opponent voted to increase your connection fees on sewer and water incrementally for the next 5 years. I would never have voted to increase your costs! The cost to operate the plants is much less than collected. You have to take into account money for reserves for expected and unexpected repairs. I understand that. I know we can look at ways of reducing or at least locking in those connection fees without future increases while anticipating connecting more users to increase those revenues. In other words, we need more connected houses/users to stabilize the costs and balance our Enterprise Budgets.

7. How do you see the future of our State, County, and City of Fernley evolving?

Fernley is a great place to live, work and recreate. It presents itself as a small rural community and we don’t need to change that and I don’t want to. We have over 128 square miles of land to build within the city limits. The City of Reno for example is only 111.7 square miles (smaller than Fernley) with a population of over 251,000. I don’t want us to be another Reno. I love who we are now. I know Fernley can grow to its potential of 40-50,000 people while still preserving our rural way of life. We need to utilize our assets, our Business and Industry partners like Trex, Polaris, Sherwin Williams, Deceuninck, Nevada Cement, Johns Manville and MSC (to name a few) to play a key role in working with the county, state, feds to help us bring more revenue, grants, road improvements, good paying jobs, resources and opportunities to Fernley. We all benefit from this. We have the tools at our disposal but aren’t utilizing them for the good of the community. My dream is a “rural community” with the resources we all need without having to drive to Reno and the roadways to accommodate the residents and the revenue to pay for it without increasing taxes. This goal is within our reach and attainable with the right leadership. I hope I can count on your vote. Thank you!

Name: Ray Lacy

1. Please provide a short biography and include anything voters might be able to use to research further (website, social media, etc.)

I would like to take the time to say “thank you” for voting for me in the last election for City Council Ward One. I am up for re-election this year.  I ask you for your vote again, so I can represent you for the next four years.  I have served on several committees in being on Fernley City Council. Some of them are: Capital improvements committee, code enforcement committee, city legislative committee, Nevada league of cities, neighborhood watch representative, pool/pact, union negotiation team, water team, Fourth of July Committee, and several other committees.

In the time I have been on Fernley’s City Council, I have brought citizens and staff members to better understand each other, to work towards several goals for the City Of Fernley, and much more. Reduce water plant interest rates on bonds, $25,000,000 grant for the Nevada Pacific over pass.

2. What are the key parts of your platform?

Growth, Water, and communication.

3. What are your three biggest priorities if elected?

Building, Roads, (remember it is the majority of the citizens that turn down a gas tax for roads) and Citizens know how the City Council and the city works.

4. How do you believe growth will affect our region, specifically Fernley?

As I see it, growth will slow down over the next couple of years. However, what I do see is an increase warehouse building in Fernley.  The biggest change we will see when the economy gets better, will be more homes built.  Please remember, Retail stores will not build if the City can not support them.

5. What are your thoughts on Nevada’s property tax and sales tax/Consolidated Tax (C-TAX) collection and distribution system and how they affect Fernley?

I do not see why we should keep talking about C TAX.  What  the City of Fernley is now doing is going after grants money for what we could use the C TAX money for. We went to court over it and we lost. Property tax is something Carson City will need to work on.  As a City we can not just change the tax rate.

6. What are your views on the management of the water and wastewater systems in Fernley and the enterprise funds responsible for operating each?

Management of the water and wastewater systems in Fernley is going as plan when I first came on to city council.  We now have money in the fund in case something happens so we do not have to get a bond. City Council was able to keep the rate increase down this last year because of the changing the way we manage the two funds.

7. How do you see the future of our State, County, and City of Fernley evolving?

The future for City of Fernley is the housing market that it will slow down for a couple of years. This will make it that retail stores may not want to build here as yet. Lyon County will grow because of the growth in Fernley and Dayton. We are now the third largest county in the state. I see were the State will pay more attention to the county and the City of Fernley.

City Council – Ward 3, City of Fernley

Name: Tim Bickerton

1. Please provide a short biography and include anything voters might be able to use to research further (website, social media, etc.)

Biography: age 66, Fernley homeowner, retired from Waste Management Fernley in 2019, single, father of 3 boys and 1 girl, grandfather of 4 boys and 1 girl. Attended Tahoe-Truckee High School, attended Sierra Junior College, and studied Administration of Justice. Locally active in community activities, including food drives, clothing drives, senior meals, senior activities, and charitable work. Administrator for local Facebook pages Fernley Rant & Rave and Fernley Community Chit Chat Official Page and Fernley Concerned Citizens.

2. What are the key parts of your platform?

The key to my platform now that I have announced I will resign if elected and the City Council would choose a replacement is a good thing. Council members should work together and choosing someone that will work as a team member is a good thing. It is unfortunate the council has to sit back and not endorse anyone publically.

3. What are your three biggest priorities if elected?

my 3 biggest priorities if elected is one priority, which is to resign and hope the council chooses a replacement that focuses on the positive and realistic future of the City of Fernley.

4. How do you believe growth will affect our region, specifically Fernley?

Growth will continue at the present rate, with a thousand or so new residents a year, it will not be the unrealistic claims of other candidates, all anyone has to do is see the empty construction starts and existing home sales to know there are no trainloads of people looking and waiting to relocate here, the absurd claims that tripling Fernley’s size will alleviate the high sewer and water prices are of course accurate but that it will happen overnight is simply unrealistic pandering for votes.

5. What are your thoughts on Nevada’s property tax and sales tax/Consolidated Tax (C-TAX) collection and distribution system and how they affect Fernley?

The property tax and c-tax, until people realize the truth, fair or not, that without unlikely state intervention the c-tax allotment will not change and Fernley will be forced to get by with the regular tax increases it is allowed. End of story. Absurd claims that [a Council member] can change what the City and a lawsuit at Nevada state law over the c-tax could not, are just another example of the ridiculous claims to try and get votes by [other candidates].

6. What are your views on the management of the water and wastewater systems in Fernley and the enterprise funds responsible for operating each?

sewer and water management are finally keeping the depts in the black, but it is unfortunate the need to spend tens of thousands on outside consulting to balance these departments’ budgets, that should speak volumes about the management of the City and it’s abilities.

7. How do you see the future of our State, County, and City of Fernley evolving?

Our City is going to go through some huge growing pains, especially with crime and the lack of enough law enforcement in the City, make no mistake the City can’t afford what it needs but I believe Lyon County is withholding much-needed increases in law enforcement all through the county.

Name: Stan Lau

1. Please provide a short biography and include anything voters might be able to use to research further (website, social media, etc.)

I am from Kings River Valley and Winnemucca, Nevada, where my family owned and operated a large Ranch/Farm. I graduated in 1979 from Albert Lowry High School. I then received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Nevada-Reno in 1984. In 2003, my Rugby Team, the Reno Zephyr Rugby Club, won the USA Rugby National Championship. In 2004, I purchased a house in Fernley, Nevada and moved here. In 2012, I was appointed to the Fernley Planning Commission. In 2014, I ran for Fernley City Council Ward 3, when Roy Edgington ran for Mayor. I was elected in 2014 to the Fernley City Council. In 2018, I was without an opponent, so I won unopposed. In June of 2020, I was appointed to the Nevada Commission on Aging. I have been proudly serving all the Citizens of Fernley for close to 8 years. I have enjoyed every minute!

2. What are the key parts of your platform?

The key parts of my platform will always be “Positive Sustainable Growth”!  The People of Fernley First!

3. What are your three biggest priorities if elected?

I have now canvassed over 99% of the voters in Ward 3.  #1 Issue: Water and Sewer Rates!  We are currently looking at increasing residential water from 0-1000 gallons to 0-2000, possibly 0-3000 gallons.  We currently charge $3.86 for 0-1000. That is not enough water!  I brought it to the City Councils attention in July.  We unanimously voted to look at getting citizens more water!  #2 Issue:  Crime/Code Enforcement.

the City of Fernley, needs to hire a full time Code Enforcement Officer.  We also need to find a way to do a contract service with Lyon County to get more Deputys on Patrol. #3 issue: Roads. The City of Fernley is currently 25 million dollars behind on roads.  Roadway costs have gone extremely high. Currently the City of Fernley utilizes a Pavement Maintenance Program or PMP to help manage our roads. Cottonwood Lane is being reconstructed. Shadow Lane will be put out to bid in August of 2023.

Other Issues:  Health Care-Hospital and Growth

4. How do you believe growth will affect our region, specifically Fernley?

Growth has seriously affected our community. Fernley is getting more and more congestion. We need Positive Sustainable Growth. My ideas: A) Develop the North side of I-80!  Get NDOT to put in on ramps and off ramps on the Vine Street Overpass!  The area is vast between Terrible’s Casino and Vine Street. We can put Residential, Commercial and Industrial in that area. Traffic will be easy to access on I-80!  B) Develop Commerce along US95A. Citizens would like to see a Grocery Store on US95A. Citizens are tired of the roundabout. They would like to see more local stores. We need to perform an area study map to find the best areas for growth.

5. What are your thoughts on Nevada’s property tax and sales tax/Consolidated Tax (C-TAX) collection and distribution system and how they affect Fernley?

Try to get fair C-tax for Fernley!  There is a big misconception about C-tax.  We need to educate the public more about this issue.  One issue is that C-Tax is given to us by the State, not the County.  We need to look into the State Department of Taxation for possible answers to our C-tax funding issues. Fernley currently has more sales in Alcohol and Cigarettes, but we do not get our fair share.  No harm done in asking the State to look into the issue! Property and sales taxes do affect the city and we need to obtain proper distribution of these taxes. Monitoring Lyon County is vital.

6. What are your views on the management of the water and wastewater systems in Fernley and the enterprise funds responsible for operating each?

In 2017, it was brought to the City’s attention that the city was going broke through the Water Enterprise Fund. The City Council raised water and sewer rates. Now the City’s Water and Sewer Funds have become Financially Stable. Recently the City raised water rates again.  I voted this down, but it was voted in. I felt that we were spending too much, 50 million dollars in 5 years towards our infrastructure. Per State Law, the City must maintain a Water and Sewer Enterprise Funds and keep them separate. As a City Councilman, I have kept on top of the Water and Sewer Enterprise Funds since they are a very crucial.

7. How do you see the future of our State, County, and City of Fernley evolving?

I see a great future for the State, County and City of Fernley. If we maintain Positive Sustainable Growth, our city will prosper. With the City of Fernley prospering, so will the State and Lyon County. I want to see the City of Fernley and Lyon County partnering on serious issues affecting us.  I would like to see a better partnering of the City of Fernley, Lyon County and the State of Nevada. The City of Fernley needs to invite Legislators out for a Barbeque. Give them a tour of our growing city and discuss our issues!

Thank you, citizens of Fernley and my constituents of Ward 3 for electing me! It has been a wonderful 8 years!  I enjoy fighting for you and your issues!  Citizens of Fernley, you are worth Serving!

2 thoughts on “Fernley Reporter Election Guide: City of Fernley offices

  • Ray Lacy can. City Council Ward 1

    Could you please let me know why question 4 and 7 are not in bold like every one else?

    • Robert Perea

      Because I hadn’t noticed they weren’t. They are now.


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