County Commission approves contract for county manager and recommendations for vacant District 3 commissioner seat
On Thursday, January 19, the Lyon County Board of County Commissioners voted to approve a three-year employment contract with Andrew Haskin to serve as the permanent county manager. Haskin has served as interim county manager since September 2022 and as the Lyon County community development director since August 2021. The motion to approve Haskin as the county manager was made by commissioner Wes Henderson and approved unanimously.
The Commission also deliberated candidates to recommend to Governor Joe Lombardo to fill the vacant commissioner seat for District 3. Under Nevada law, a vacancy on the county commission is filled by the Governor. The Governor’s Office requested Lyon County Commissioners submit three names for consideration for the appointment. The Board approved 4-0 to recommend Tammy Hendrix, Arthur Schell, and Phillip Wooley, in no particular order, to Governor Lombardo for final decision on the appointment.
The Board of County Commissioners meeting also included:
· A presentation from Lyon County Sheriff Brad Pope recognizing Deputy Peter Whitten and Sergeant Alfonzo Lopez with the Sheriff’s Office Community Service Award for their efforts in raising approximately $11,000 for the December Shop with a Cop event. Sheriff Pope reported the funds raised provided 29 children with a Christmas shopping opportunity.
· An update on the recent storm and flood activity from the Lyon County Office of Emergency Management.
· Haskin provided an overview of Lyon County’s ability to accept state and federal grants. Further, the Board directed Haskin to research options for lobbyist representation on the federal level.
· A presentation from the Lyon County Utilities Department on construction projects for 2023.