Clerk-Treasurer Lindberg to speak at next meeting of FRW April 18
Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter
Lyon County Clerk-Treasurer Staci Lindberg will be the guest speaker for this month’s meeting of the Fernley Republican Women, April 18 at Fernley High School.
A light meal will be served at 6 p.m. and the meeting will start promptly at 6:30 p.m. The public is always invited to attend.
Lindberg is a third-generation lifetime resident of Lyon County. She was born and raised on a dairy and alfalfa farm in Yerington, owned and operated by her parents Edward B and Betty M Silva. She has 37 years of private sector service in several professional fields which is coming in handy in her new role as Lyon Clerk-Treasurer, now serving the public sector.
“I am a very patriotic, hard-working and conservative lady– a Christian, a sister, an aunt, a wife, a mother of 5 and a grandmother of 9.” Lindberg said. “My husband, best friend and partner of over 20 years and I are proud Americans and focus on living, laughing and enjoying all of our blessings.”
The FRW’s Caring for America Program collects non-perishable foods for the Fernley Food Bank and the Armed Forces/Homeland Security Program collects cleaning supplies, food and personal care items, along with donations of funds, for the Veterans Guest House in Reno. The Literacy Committee collects new and lightly used children’s books for Bow Wow Books, an organization that teamed up with the Fernley library. Bow Wow Reading Dogs are non-judgmental certified therapy dogs who listen to children reading aloud. All contributions for these important programs will be greatly appreciated. Financial contributions can be sent to the FRW at
P. O. Box 412, Fernley, Nevada 89408.
Fernley Republican Women is a group of women (and men as associate members) who share similar conservative values and ideals, and who are dedicated to increasing the influence and effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through political education and active political participation.
For more information, please contact Vida Keller at or check the FRW website