
Learn from the spellbinding geology of National Parks

Courtesy Steve Yingling, Western Nevada College

Learn more about the geology of U.S. national parks, including the Great Basin National Park here in Nevada, through a Geology of National Parks class this fall at Western Nevada College.

The three-credit class meets on Tuesdays from 1 to 3:45 p.m. starting on Sept. 1 and enrollment isn’t limited by prerequisite courses.

“National parks preserve some of the most incredible geology in the country,” said Professor of Geosciences Dr. Winnie Kortemeier. “We will study national parks from all over the country.”


Kortemeier plans to focus in great detail on Great Basin National Park, which contains 40 known caves with many unique features, as well as ever-changing mountain ranges created by one of the most volcanically active states in the country.
There will also be hands-on work in the classroom to learn about rocks and minerals and opportunities to take field trips in Western Nevada.

The small class size will promote social distancing.

For more details about the course, contact Kortemeier at Registration can be done online at

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