Community EventsEducation

EVES exceeds $30,000 from Fun Run

Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

While all funds have not yet been tallied and collected, East Valley Elementary School most likely raised more than $30,000 from its Apex Fun Run fundraiser, according to PTA president Erika Frisk.

Students solicited pledges for each lap they would run during the event, which was held April 20.

The two-week program included daily activities with leadership, fitness and teamwork exercises for students.


Frisk said before the run the school’s goal was to raise $700 per lap. However, the night before the run, the students had already earned $940 per lap in pledges.

The event was to raise funds for a new track at the school, with 10 percent of the school’s portion of the funds going to classrooms.

Frisk said under the terms of the agreement with Apex Fun Run, the school keeps 51 percent of the money raised in the event.

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