City of Fernley Planning Commission vacancy
The City of Fernley is accepting letters of interest from citizens of Fernley wishing to serve on
the City of Fernley Planning Commission. This recruitment is to fill a vacancy on the board.
Purpose: The Planning Commission is a volunteer appointment and advises the City Council on
the long term physical development of the City including such issues as natural resources,
economics, housing, population, land use and zoning. The Planning Commission reviews all
major development projects proposed within the City and also provides a forum for public
comment on issues dealing with development of our community.
Membership: The Planning Commission consist of seven members. The term of office for each
member is four year staggered terms. Members are residents of the City and registered voters
at the time of their appointment and continuously through the term of office.
Typical Duties: Serve and advise the City Council on future physical planning and economic
development of the City. Serve and advise the City Council on urban planning including policy
development, community design, natural resource conservation and enhancement, economics,
housing, land use, population, streets, zoning, subdivision regulation, transportation, the
comprehensive plan, etc.
Time Commitment: The Planning Commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month
at 5:00 p.m. (generally a two to four hour hearing) and has approximately two special meetings
a year.
Interested persons should submit a letter stating their reasons for wanting to serve on the
Planning Commission accompanied by a professional resume stating your qualifications, by mail
or in person to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 595 Silver Lace Blvd. Fernley NV 89408 or by
facsimile at (775) 784-9839. The deadline for submission is 5:00 p.m., Friday, June 29, 2018.
For more information concerning the Planning Commission please contact Assistant Planner
Melinda Bauer at (775)784-9819