Community Events

Titus to speak to Fernley Republican Women Tuesday

The Fernley Republican Women (FRW) will hold its next meeting at the Fernley High School Library, 1300 Highway 95A, on Tuesday, Sept. 20. A light meal will be served at 6 p.m. and the meeting will start promptly at 6:30 p.m. The scheduled speaker is Assemblywoman Robin Titus, candidate for re-election for Assembly District #38. The public is always invited to attend.

Dr. Robin Titus was first elected to represent Nevada’s Assembly District #38 in November of 2014. In the 2015 legislative session, she served as the Chair of the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining committee and as the Vice Chair of the Health and Human Services committee. At the end of the session, she received Nevada Policy Research Institute’s (NPRI) top score on their Nevada Legislative Session Review & Report Card earning her the distinction of the “taxpayer’s best friend.”

Assembly District 38 representative Dr. Robin Titus will speak at Tuesday's meeting of the Fernley Republican Women.
Assembly District 38 representative Dr. Robin Titus will speak at Tuesday’s meeting of the Fernley Republican Women.

The FRW’s Caring for America/Adopt-a-Soldier Program collects non-perishable foods for the Fernley Food Bank, along with donations of funds and care items for their adopted soldiers. The soldiers need single serving food items, personal care items and, most especially, cards and letters from home. The Literacy Committee collects new children’s books for the Ronald McDonald House and Renown Hospital’s Children’s Ward. All contributions for these important programs will be greatly appreciated. Financial contributions can be sent to the FRW at P. O. Box 412, Fernley, Nevada  89408.

Fernley Republican Women is a group of women (and men as associate members) who share similar conservative values and ideals, and who are dedicated to increasing the influence and effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through political education and active political participation.

  • Mobile home space for rent

    70X60. $600 per month, water, septic and garbage included.

    315 Vine St., #10

    Call Pat Spracklin (775) 846-1888


For more information, contact Carol Franich at or check the FRW website

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