One new Lyon County COVID-19 case, three recoveries reported Monday
Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter
After two straight days with no new cases over the weekend, the Quad-County Emergency Operations Center reported one new case of COVID-19 and three recoveries Monday.
Quad-County EOC also reported one Lyon County recovery Saturday.
The new case is a man in his 70s, and brings Lyon County’s total to 48 confirmed cases, while there have now been 30 recoveries in Lyon County.
The Lyon County case was the only new one in the region reported Monday, although there were six new cases reported Saturday and one Sunday.
Also Monday, a Carson City man in his 80s became the region’s third death due to COVID-19, all in Carson City. It is unknown if the man had underlying health conditions.
In all, the Qua-County region has had a total of 145 cases, with 102 recoveries and three deaths. There are two Quad-County residents hospitalized due to COVID-19.
In the region, Carson City has had 71 total cases, 49 recoveries and three deaths, Douglas County has had 25 cases and 22 recoveries, Lyon County has had 48 cases and 30 recoveries, and Storey County has had just one case and that person has recovered.
Quad-County EOC also performed 1,798 tests for those without symptoms, and has gotten all results back with only one positive.