
Nevada schoolchildren can participate in 9th annual Nevada Moves Day March 21

Courtesy NDOT

Many Nevada schoolchildren will take part in organized events that promote walking or bicycling to school on Nevada Moves Day, held March 21.

Walking and bicycling to school events are planned for Carson City, Clark, Washoe, Lyon and many other counties across the state. Children not taking part in an organized school event are encouraged to involve their families in safely walking or bicycling to school on Nevada Moves Day and throughout the year.

“This is an opportunity for children to learn about pedestrian and bicycling safety, all while taking part in a healthy activity,” NDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager Jamie Borino explained. “Physical activity at an early age, such as walking or bicycling, helps reduce heart disease, diabetes and other obesity-related illnesses. It also reduces rush hour traffic that results from children being driven to school. For health, for the environment, for the community and for fun, we hope families will take part in an organized Nevada Moves Day event or plan their own!”

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During Nevada Moves Day and every day, drivers should watch for children walking and bicycling to school and be mindful of reduced speeds and varying school start times in school zones. Motorists should also only pass bicyclists when it is safe – with at least three feet of space between the bicycle and vehicle – and never overtake a vehicle that has stopped for pedestrians. Pedestrians and bicyclists should only cross streets when safe, and look both ways before and while crossing.

To learn about specific Nevada Moves Day events, contact Nevada Bicycle and Pedestrian Education Coordinator Albert Jacquez at (775) 888-7943 or or find walking information at

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