NDOT seeking public input on the State Management Plan for rural transit services
Courtesy NDOT
With more than five million rides provided each year by Nevada’s local transit services, the Nevada Department of Transportation is inviting public input on the State Management Plan, which defines the administration of federal funding to rural transit services.
The State Management Plan outlines the objectives, policies and procedures through which federal transit funds are administered to Nevada’s public, tribal and private passenger transit services. The plan is reviewed on a routine basis to ensure that administration and programs changes, including any new federal regulations, are reflected.
“Local transit services help Nevadans get to work, medical care, and other services,” NDOT Transit Manager Christina Borino said. “We welcome public and stakeholder input on the plan to administer federal funding for the local transit providers to ensure that together we meet the needs of our transit services in our rural Nevada communities.”
Each year, NDOT utilizes nearly $10 million in Federal Transit Administration funds to support local transit, including purchasing more than 400 buses and other vehicles for local transit providers over the past 35 years. The vehicles operate throughout Nevada, offering over five million rides annually for the disabled, the elderly, and those needing a ride to employment, medical treatment and more.
The plan is available for view and comment by visiting nevadadot.com and selecting the “Planning” link under “Public Transit”. Comments can be made via e-mail to jmabry@dot.nv.gov by January 11, 2018. Feedback should be specific to the administration of funds defined in the plan and not specific transit services.