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Fernley Teacher Receives STEM Teacher of the Year Award May 13 2018

Joseph Maino, The Fernley Reporter

The Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) Teacher of the year award was presented, on May 2, by the Nevada STEM Advisory Council and the Governor’s Office of Science, Technology, Innovation and Technology to six dedicated teachers who have a passion for STEM and provide students with the education and training for STEM careers. One of this year’s awards, that includes a $1,000 for the teacher’s classroom, went to Fernley teacher, Tamara (Tammy) Roseberry.

Roseberry has taught in Nevada since 2000 and is currently the STEM Facilitator and English Learner Teacher at the Cottonwood Elementary School. She has a Masters degree in education and is completing work on her doctorate. Additionally, she is the co-founder of the Fernley STEM Council.

Photographs submitted by Tammy Roseberry

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