City of Fernley

Fernley City Council, special meeting, Sept. 13

Special Meeting
City Council
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 • 5:00 PM
Fernley City Council Chambers, 595 Silver Lace Boulevard, Fernley, NV 89408

Zoom information: Please click the following link to join the webinar:, or one tap mobile: 12532158782, Dial: 669 900 9128, Webinar ID: 829 6634 3247
Public Notice: This agenda has been physically posted in compliance with 241.020 at Fernley City Hall, 595 Silver Lace Blvd. In addition, this agenda has been electronically posted in compliance with NRS 241.020(3) at and NRS 232.2175 at To obtain further documentation regarding posting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (775) 784-9830 or
Public Comment: Those wishing to address the City Council may submit public comment through the online public comment form found at, or by sending an email to Comments received prior to 4:00 pm the day of the meeting will be provided to City Council and added to the record but will not be read during the live meeting. Public comments received after 4 pm the day of the meeting will be included in the record by may not reach council members before action is taken. Public comment, whether on action items or public comment, is limited to three (3) minutes per person. Unused time may not be reserved by the speaker, nor allocated to another speaker. The public may comment on any matter that is not specifically included on an agenda as an action item or comment on a specific agenda item. Items not included on the agenda cannot be acted upon other than to place them on a future agenda. Additionally, if you wish you can comment in person at the meeting or use the Raise your Hand feature in Zoom (*9 if you are participating via phone).
Accommodations: City Council and staff will make reasonable efforts to assist and accommodate individuals with disabilities desiring to attend the meeting. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (775) 784-9830 in advance so that arrangements can be made.
Supporting Material: Staff reports and supporting material for the meeting are available at the City Clerk’s Office, and on the City’s website at Pursuant to NRS 241.020(6), supporting material is made available to the general public at the same time it is provided to the City Council.
Order of Business: The presiding officer shall determine the order of the agenda. The Fernley City Council may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; remove an item from the agenda; or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. All items are action items unless otherwise noted. Items scheduled to be heard at a specific time will be heard no earlier than the stated time but may be heard later.
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Public Forum
1.3. (For Possible Action) Approval of Agenda
2.1. Discussion and possible action to conduct interviews and appoint the City Manager with candidates being: Melissa Evans, Patrick Marsh and Robert Switzer.
Next Meeting: Fernley City Council 9/21/2022

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