
WNC Winter Session classes start on Dec. 20 and Jan. 3


Courtesy Steve Yingling, Western Nevada College

Deadlines are rapidly approaching for students planning to enroll in winter session classes and registration is well under way for spring semester at WNC.

Students can choose between 3-week and 5-week online classes. Accelerated courses are being offered in Art, Biology, Education, English, Environmental Science, History, Mathematics, and more.

Five-week online classes begin Dec. 20 and this is the final day students can enroll in these classes. After this date, a late registration form with instructor approval must be submitted to Admissions and Records by Dec. 27.


Students also have an option to take 3-week online classes that start on Jan. 3. To enroll in these classes after Jan. 3, students must submit a late registration form with instructor approval to Admissions and Records by Jan. 7. The 3-week and 5-week courses will end by Jan. 21.

Spring semester classes are still more than a month away, but students are advised to register early so they can enroll in the classes they want.

Students planning to take in-person classes during the spring will be required to be vaccinated as mandated by the Nevada State Board of Heath. Students taking all of their classes online won’t be required to be vaccinated, but all students will need to fill out a vaccine status form at For assistance with filling out this form, go to

Short-term, late-start and self-paced courses will also be available in the spring.

View winter session and spring semester classes at

If you need help preparing for spring semester, arrange an appointment with Counseling Services at 775-445-3267 or

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