
WNC graduation ceremonies set for May 24, 25 and 27


Western Nevada College graduate Hamilton Sommer waits for the start of the Parade of Graduates at the Fallon campus on Thursday, June 25, 2020. Photo by Cathleen Allison/Nevada Momentum

Courtesy Steve Yingling, Western Nevada Collge

Western Nevada College graduates will be receiving not one, not two but three commencement ceremonies in May.

Similar to the prior year, WNC has decided to honor its 2020-21 graduates with drive-through ceremonies on its Carson City and Fallon campuses. Titled the “Parade of Graduates,” ceremonies are planned for May 24-25 on the Carson campus and May 27 on the Fallon campus.

“We hosted successful drive-through celebrations last year that were well-received by the graduates and their families and friends who attended,” said WNC Commencement Coordinator Dianne Hilliard, director of Admissions & Records and registrar.


The ceremonies in Carson City will be separated by division and/or degrees awarded, while the Fallon ceremony will include all grads:

• Monday, May 24 — Carson City — Liberal Arts: AA and AS degrees

• Tuesday, May 25 — Carson City — Professional and Applied Technology, Nursing and Allied Health, and General Studies: AB, AAS, BAS and AGS degrees and Certificates of Achievement

• Thursday, May 27 — Fallon — all divisions, degrees and certificates of achievement

Each ceremony will begin at 9 a.m. Graduates will be given the opportunity to have family or friends drive them to a selected area on campus, exit their vehicle and have their name announced while crossing a stage and being cheered by dignitaries, WNC faculty and staff, and others.

Social distancing measures will be in place as needed to ensure the safety of graduates and staff.

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