VFW recognizes FIS teacher
Courtesy Fernley VFW Post 10247
Each year the Veterans of Foreign Wars recognizes three exceptional teachers – one each from the elementary, junior high and high school levels – for their outstanding commitment to teach Americanism and instill patriotism in their students.
The process starts with nominations made by teacher’s peers, supervisors, parents, or students to local VFW Posts.
This last October, Fernley VFW Post 10247 received a nomination for Middle School Teacher of the year, Mr. David Perry. The nomination was forwarded from the Post to higher echelons for judging.
On Jan. 25 at a Fernley Intermediate School awards assembly, Mr. Perry was awarded a certificate for being an outstanding teacher from Post 10247, and a plaque from VFW Department of Nevada naming him as Nevada’s VFW Middle School Teacher of the Year.
Mr. Perry’s nomination was forwarded to the National VFW Level to be considered as the VFW Middle School Teacher of the Year.