
Unger leads Fernley golfers in pair of meets


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

Fernley’s Guylar Unger tied for ninth place in Tuesday’s Northern 3A meet in Fallon, and tied for 14th place in a meet Wednesday in Winnemucca to lead the Fernley boys golf team.

Unger shot an 86 Tuesday in Fallon, leading Fernley to a team score of 394, which ranked seventh.

Fallon’s Kelvin Cann was the low medalist with a 77, and Spring Creek was the team winner with a total score of 325.


Along with Unger, Fernley scorers were Gabe Richards at 98, and Jack Knodell and Russ Ortiz, each at 105. Ethan Bacock shot 107 making his season debut for the Vaqueros, and Mike Steele shot 114.

Wednesday in Winnemucca, the Vaqueros again placed seventh with a team score of 390. Spring Creek won the meet with a team score of 338. Fallon’s Cann was the low medalist with a score of 77.

Unger had the lowest score for Fernley with a 91, with Knodell at 93 and Bacock at 98. Steele was the fourth scorer with a 108, while others who played were Dominic Gianotti with a 115 and John Owens at 126 in his season debut.

“We’re doing better at lowering everyone’s scores,” coach Brian O’Neill said.

The next two meets are the last two of the season, May 3 at Edgewood Golf Course, hosted by South Tahoe, and May 9 at Old Greenwood, hosted by Truckee.

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