
Two Lyon County deputies earn POST diploma


The Fernley Reporter
A graduation ceremony for 28 peace officers who completed POST (Peace Officer Standards Training) was conducted Wednesday at the Stewart Facility in Carson City.
The Nevada POST Basic Law Enforcement Academy Graduation class 2018-01 included 26 Category I peace officers and two Category II peace officers from various law enforcement departments to include sheriff, juvenile probation, city police, state agencies and tribal.
Douglas County Sheriff Ron Pierini, a 45-year veteran in law enforcement, delivered the keynote address, while cadet Jason S. Woodruff, an agent with the Nevada Gaming Control Board, delivered the student speech on the academy class.
Among the graduates are Lyon County deputies Matthew J. Galvin and Richard C. Spencer.
According to the Nevada Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, the POST academy is Nevada’s only residential academy that trains Category I, II and III peace officers. The academy runs concurrently with Category I peace officers staying for 17 weeks, Category II peace officers 10 weeks and Category III peace officers for eight weeks. During their time at POST, cadets learn about law and legal procedures, patrol operations and investigations, performance skill and  functions of a peace officer. 
Classroom instruction focuses on topics such as court security, counter terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and numerous sessions of scenario-based training. In addition to classroom instruction, the academy administers three physical fitness tests to cadets. All cadets also participate in the basic boxing program as part of their physical fitness improvement program.

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