
Titus announces run for State Senate


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

Assemblywoman Dr. Robin Titus announced Dec. 2 that she is running for the State Senate District 17 seat.

Titus, of Smith Valley, is the Assembly District 38 representative. She is the Assembly Republican Leader and has served in the Assembly for four terms. With the term-limited departure of Dr. Joe Hardy, Dr. Titus would remain the only medical doctor in the upper chamber. She has been ranked the most conservative member in the Legislature.

“My entire career I have been a Nevada rural doctor and small business owner and I remain the Lyon County Health Officer but after leaving active practice, I felt compelled to continue to serve my community and state through thoughtful conservative policy setting in the state legislature,” Titus said. “My goal is to make rural Nevada the best place in America to live, work, and raise a family.”


Her great-grandfather came to Nevada in 1866, to try his hand at mining. In the 1880s, her family settled in Smith Valley. Titus completed undergrad at UNR and her doctorate at the University of Nevada School of Medicine. She returned to serve Lyon County as a family practice physician for 37 years including pre- and post-natal care delivering countless babies. She also served as Chief of Staff at the Lyon County Hospital and on the State Board of Medical Examiners. She is in her fourth term at the Legislature and is the Lyon County Health Officer.

Titus enjoys skiing, hunting, fishing, hiking, wine tasting, gardening, and spending time with her family and grandkids. She is a longtime NRA member and CCW holder, avid early morning runner including 10 marathon completions, instrument-rated pilot, and has climbed to Mt. Everest base camp and summited Mt. Whitney and Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

Dr. Titus lives in Wellington with her husband, retired Lyon County Sheriff Allen Veil.

Due to the pending redistricting lawsuit, lines may not be finalized for a while but as they are today, Senate District 17 includes all of Douglas, Lyon, Churchill, Esmeralda, and Mineral Counties and part of Nye County.

One thought on “Titus announces run for State Senate

  • Jim & Mariann Burgess

    we are with you 100% good going


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