
Three Silverland cross country teams win Sagebrush League Championship


Silverland Middle School cross counry team picture: (back row left to right) Koda McMackin, Gabe Leija, Spencer Blackorby, Coach Lori Rieger, Kathaneal Rivera, Jacob Busch, Isaac Luna, (second row from the top, left to right) Lewis Kinnick, Sadie Spencer, Jett Eyler, Demetrius Ruiz, Hunter Busch, Jacob Holmes, (third row from the top, left to right) Tracie Smith, Penelope Ruiz, Johnnie Williams, Amaya Nicolas, Nicolaus Pearl, Adrain Munoz, Emma Jardine, (bottom row right to left) Gabe Manzanares, Joey Perry, Kade McKnight, Lucas Stanger, Kael Paz, Rogelio Espinoza, Landan McIntrye, Garrett Shinn, (on the ground, left to right) Kylie Behrendt and Breanna Beech.

Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

This year’s Silverland Middle School cross country season had many spectacular performances. The team was the biggest teams at Silverland Middle School with 36 participates.

The 7th & 8th grade boys and the 7th grade girls each won the Sagebrush League Championship, bringing home a plaque, and the 8th grade girls took third place in the championship.

Each of the four teams had fabulous seasons, with many athletes making into the top 10 throughout the meets. All athletes pushed themselves to be better and they did just that.


Kael Paz, a 7th grade boy, went the whole season undefeated. Many others kept increasing their placement standing. A well-deserved congratulations to all.

Sage Brush League Championship Results: 2 mile course

  • 7th grade boys Scoring Placement: 1st-13:23 Kael Paz, 2nd-13:46 Demetrius Ruiz, 3rd-13:51 Kade McKnight, 5th-14:21 Lucas Stanger, 8th-15:17 Gabe Leija
  • 7th grade girls Scoring Placement: 1st-15:43 Kylie Behrendt, 2nd-16:10 Breanna Beech, 4th-16:49 Penelope Ruiz, 6th-18:10 Emma Jardine, 8th-19:05 Tracie Smith
  • 8th grade boys Scoring Placement: 1st-13:38 Isaac Luna, 5th-14:13 Jacob Holmes, 10th-14:54 Kathanael Rivera, 13th-15:07 Lewis Kinnick, 14th-15:37 Adrian Munoz
  • 8th grade girls Scoring Placement: 3rd-15:42 Laila Kinnick, 6th-17:08 Amaya Nicolas, 11th-19:35 Sadie Spencer

One thought on “Three Silverland cross country teams win Sagebrush League Championship

  • Teyana

    Congratulations SMS 7th and 8th Cross Country runners! FIS 6th grade girls and boys did great too, taking the league championships as well!


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