
State Police releases details on two fatal crashes


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

The Nevada State Police Highway Patrol Division released information Thursday on two recent fatal crashes, which bring the total to 32 deaths and 32 fatal crashes so far this year in the Highway Patrol’s Northern Command West region.

On Wednesday, June 1, at approximately 3:51 p.m., troopers responded to reports of a single vehicle rollover on US-95A in the area of Lyon County Mile Marker 27 in Yerington. Preliminary investigation indicates the driver of a blue 2001 Chevrolet S-10 pickup was traveling south on US-95A near Lyon County mile marker 27. For unknown reasons, the driver allowed the pickup to run off the roadway to the right. The driver overcorrected and the vehicle overturned. The driver was ejected from the vehicle. The driver was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. The driver, Arturo Torres-Torres, 65 of Yerington died of his injuries from the crash and was pronounced dead at the scene. Impairment is suspected in this crash.

This crash is being investigated by the Highway Patrol Division’s Northern Command West Multi-Disciplinary Investigation and Reconstruction Team (M.I.R.T.) – Case #220600047 – If anyone has any information about this crash, send an email to and reference the case number.


On Monday, June 6, at approximately 7:25 a.m., troopers responded to reports of an injury crash on Interstate 80 westbound near Washoe County mile marker 27 (west of the Patrick exit) in Sparks.

Preliminary investigation indicates the driver of a red 1955 Studebaker coupe was traveling west on I-80 in the area of Washoe County mile marker 27 in the #2 travel lane, approaching congested traffic. A black 2017 Ford Fusion sedan was traveling west in the #1 travel lane behind a gold 2004 Toyota Tacoma pickup. A fourth vehicle, a red 2022 International tractor-trailer combination, was traveling west in the #2 travel lane. The driver of the Studebaker made a lane change from the #2 to the #1 travel lane behind the Fusion that was slowing for congested traffic. The Studebaker rear-ended the Fusion which was pushed into the Tacoma. The Studebaker rotated into the path of the International. The front of the International struck the right side of the Studebaker. The driver of the Studebaker was ejected from the vehicle. The driver of the Studebaker, Edwin Charles Gieratz, 81, if Fallon, died of his injuries from the crash and was pronounced dead at the scene.

This crash is being investigated by the Highway Patrol Division’s Northern Command West Multi-Disciplinary Investigation and Reconstruction Team (M.I.R.T.) – Case #220600363 – If anyone has any information about this crash, send an email to and reference the case number.

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