
Silverland boys teams win cross country championship, girls teams finish second


(Back Row left to right) Ezra Diemert, Bryce Hardy, Peter Knodell, Rhys Braybrook, Lilly Bacock, Kyle Harmon, Haegen Ridge, Coach Lori Rieger, Brandon McCullar, Caden Cross, JonCarlos Pineda, Jack Lutkenhouse, Sadie Spencer, Laila Kinnick, Kaiden Mulhauser (middle row) Brooke Gonzalez, Chayla Knauer, Jacob Busch, Jesse Clark, Amaya Nicolas, Anna Barrus, Amira Damia, Jacob Holmes, Spencer Blackorby, Kendall Arnaud (front row) Daymond Fisher, Brayden Larkins, Lewis Kinnick, True Brabant, Jovan Gonzalez, Hunter Busch, Mia Gonzalez, Garrett Shinn and Bronson O’Donnell.

Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

The Silverland Middle School 7th and 8th grade boys cross country teams won the Sagebrush League Championship, while girls took second, in a season of many spectacular performances.

The team was one of the biggest teams at Silverland with 36 participates. The 8th grade boys scored in the Championship 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th, just shy of a perfect score. The 7th & 8th grade girls took 2nd place in the Sagebrush League Championship.

Many runners made it into the top ten throughout the season, and eighth grade boy Caden Cross went the whole season undefeated. Many others kept increasing their placement standing. A well-deserved congratulations to all.


Coaches said all athletes pushed themselves to be better and they did just that.

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