
Report of gun at Silver Stage Middle School proves false


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

A report of a student with a gun at Silver Stage Middle School Wednesday afternoon turned out to be false.

At about 12:20 p.m., Lyon County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to SSMS after school administration received a report from a student at Silver Stage Elementary School that a student at SSMS had a gun. Both schools were placed on a precautionary lockdown. Because the threat was quickly determined to be false, Silver Stage High School was not placed on lockdown.

Deputies said the student in question was cooperative and no gun was found. The deputies determined that the threat to the school was false. They conducted a sweep of the school and found no threat to the school staff, students or the public


The LCSO said it is working with the school district, and asked that anyone with questions or concerns should direct them to the Lyon County School District or call the Sheriff’s Office at 775-463-6600 and they can direct questions to the right people.

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