
Quad-County COVID-19 cases now reported by zip code


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

The Quad-County Emergency Operations center is now including the locations of confirmed COVID-19 cases by zip code.

Lyon County had two additional cases reported Thursday, bringing the county’s total to 51, and five new recoveries, bring the total number of recoveries to 38.

The new cases are a woman in her 30s and a man in his 50s.


There were also four new cases in Carson City Thursday, bringing the total there to 81 cases, 52 recoveries and three deaths. The Quad-Counties total is now 159 cases, with 114 recoveries and three deaths, with five Quad-County residents hospitalized due to COVID-19.

As of 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 20, the number of cases in zip code 89408, which includes Fernley, was 24. The total number of cases listed by Lyon County zip codes does not match the Lyon County total, nor does the total listed in all zip codes in the region match the Quad-County total, possibly because some zip codes overlap counties.

Fernley’s 89408 zip code also includes Hazen in Churchill County, while Mound House, in Lyon County, has a Carson City zip code, 89706. In addition, the 89444 zip code includes Wellington in Lyon County and Topaz Ranch Estates in Douglas County, although that zip code was not included on the list of COVID-19 cases provided Wednesday.

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