
Page answers frequently asked questions about coronavirus response


As Lyon County manager, Jeff Page said he has been fielding calls and emails from residents asking about the county’s response and actions to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

Wednesday, Page provided a list of answers to the questions he said the county is most frequently receiving.

  1. Why is Carson City Health and Human Services running the show in Lyon County? Nevada Revised Statutes put the responsibility of public and behavioral health on the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services. The State Health Officer delegated the public health preparedness function to CCHHS for the quad counties. Lyon County does not have the staffing or capacity to operate a Health Department.
  2. Why doesn’t Lyon County provide the communities that people are testing positive? Lyon County and the Quad County team are ensuring the privacy of those that have tested positive. The Quad County Multiagency Coordination Group meets every day to receive up-to-date information on the response in the region. We are briefed on new cases and any issues the epidemiology personnel are dealing or concerned with.
  3. Why hasn’t Lyon County closed down recreation areas such as Wilson Canyon, State Parks, etc.? Lyon County has no authority over facilities, parks and recreation areas that it does not own. Nevada State Parks has closed their operations as of March 18, 2020. BLM and USFS do not fall under the state’s jurisdiction and they have closed some areas. Please check their websites for updated information.
  4. Why is the County allowing churches to operate? The Governors Emergency Directives limit gatherings to ten people or less and require separation distances. Lyon County is working with the faith-based community on resolutions to address the issues concerns. Many faith-based operations are holding their services using technology. Please check their websites for further information.
  5. Why did Lyon County close AA and NA meetings? Lyon County did not close AA/NA or any 12 step fellowship programs. The decision to close these meetings was made by the respective organizations. There are numerous online meetings and people can check them out at  r AA and for NA

For current information in the region please go to: In the State: in the nation:

2 thoughts on “Page answers frequently asked questions about coronavirus response

  • Doreena Mora Valencia

    With more and more people coming to Fernley from California. Why haven’t this been stop? I understand that one person with Coronavirus can effect a lot people. I don’t what Fernley to be like California. I have my whole family and my grandson and I have asthma. I have use my inhaler more now than I have use it in the 15 years I been here. Fernley acts like it’s another day.

  • robert dibble

    Understand privacy laws, but don’t understand why a general location within the county cannot be shared e.g. northern (Fernley) or southern (Yerington).


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