North Lyon Fire Cadets complete first service project

Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter
The participants in the newly created North Lyon Fire Cadet program recently completed their first service project, cleaning the yard of local residents who were facing a code compliance violation.
North Lyon Fire started the Cadet program a couple of months ago, near the end of the school year. The program currently has five cadets, with two more who have applied to join the program.
Overseen by firefighter/EMT Jesse Richardson, who is in charge of the program, the cadets are high school students who volunteer with the District. They are trained on medical, fire, and general life skills. They meet once or twice a month. They are also provided uniforms, and on drill days, will wear them to school, like students in an ROTC program.
The Fire District was looking for a project for the cadets when it received a complaint of a code violation. But when the fire department officials found out the residents are elderly and health compromised, and unable to do the work to clean up the yard, they decided it was a perfect first project for the cadets.
On the weekend of July 26, the cadets went to the house and cleared up the yard
“We went out and took care of it,” Nicholl said. “It was a great service project.”