New Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Field Representative in Fernley

The Nevada Rural Counties Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Inc. welcomes Sherry Cathel as the Lyon County Volunteer Field Representative for RSVP based in Fernley.
Cathel has worked with seniors for more than 30 years, working for assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and home health care agencies as well as nonprofit organizations. While serving in Americorps, Cathel worked for Opportunity Link, a nonprofit organization serving rural Montanans. Since moving to Fernley, Sherry has delivered Meals on Wheels to residents. Cathel is a compassionate leader who truly cares about the seniors in her community and RSVP is thrilled to have her on our team.
RSVP provides independent living services at no cost to the client to rural Nevada seniors (60 years of age and older) and adults with disabilities. Lyon County residents who are interested in receiving services or volunteering with RSVP can contact Sherry Cathel: or 775-315-4911.
RSVP is a nonprofit organization that helps provide life-saving services such as transportation, home companionship, Personal Emergency Response Systems, and many more enriching programs for our clients. For more information about RSVP, please visit