
NDOT to activate new traffic signals on US 50A Thursday


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

The Nevada Department of Transportation will activate two new traffic signals Thursday U.S. 50A at River Ranch Road and Nevada Pacific Parkway in Fernley.

NDOT began construction on the installation of the traffic signals Oct. 13 in an attempt to enhance traffic flow and safety in an area where there have been many crashes in the past few years. Since October, drivers have seen periodic daytime lane and shoulder closures as the signal poles were installed.

On Thursday, Jan. 13, motorists should anticipate brief travel delays of approximately 10 minutes between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. as traffic is stopped for signal mast arms to be installed over highway lanes. Eastbound U.S. 50A travel lanes will also be reduced to one lane during the same time. Speed limit reductions and minor travel delays should be anticipated through the work zone.


The new signals at both intersections will also be activated on Thursday afternoon. Drivers should leave extra time to travel through the intersections and be prepared to stop at the new signals.

There previously were no traffic signals at the intersections. The Nevada Pacific Parkway traffic signal is being built as a four-leg signal to accommodate future planned completion of the road to connect to U.S. 50A.

Traffic has steadily increased on the highway from an average of 10,500 vehicles daily in 2014 to 13,000 vehicles daily in 2019. Traffic entering U.S. 50 at the existing intersections is anticipated to increase more than 150 percent within the next 15 years. The new traffic signals are projected to cut crashes by as much as 40 percent in part by providing additional turn opportunities between the highway and side streets. Once activated, the signals will be operated and maintained by the City of Fernley.

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