NDOT invites public to provide feedback on future transportation projects
Courtesy NDOT
The Nevada Department of Transportation is inviting the public to comment on planned transportation projects and improvements outlined in the Work Program document, including updates to the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
The STIP is a fiscally constrained, four-year planning document containing federal and state-funded transportation projects, as well as regionally significant transportation improvements funded through local and/or state dollars in accordance with the Federal Aid Highway Act and the Federal Transit Act. These projects improve the capacity of Nevada’s transportation system, such as increasing the number of lanes, constructing new roads and intersection improvements along with certain road maintenance projects. It also includes transit, rail, pedestrian walkway and bicycle facility projects.
NDOT works closely with metropolitan planning organizations, counties, cities, tribes and other local agencies to develop the comprehensive statewide planning document to provide a transportation system that keeps Nevada safe and connected. Public meetings also give opportunity for the public to provide feedback on upcoming transportation projects.
The public can comment on the draft list of projects contained in the Work Program before it is finalized for review and potential acceptance and approval by the state transportation board and governing federal agencies. To view the list of proposed projects, visit estip.nevadadot.com/comment. All public comment may be submitted before August 31, 2017 to the NDOT Program Development, Planning Office via email to jspencer@dot.nv.gov or by mail to 1263 South Stewart Street, Carson City, NV 89712 ATTN: Joseph Spencer, room 205.