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Masons celebrate 100 years with visit from Grand Master


Members of Fernley Masonic Lodge #34, along with, Most Worshipful Richard M. Graver Jr., Grand Master of Masons in Nevada, and visitors from Masonic lodges in Fallon, Winnemucca and Lovelock.

Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

Fernley Masonic Lodge #34 celebrated its 100th anniversary on Aug. 4, coinciding with a visit from Most Worshipful Richard M. Graver Jr., Grand Master of Masons in Nevada.

Mayor Roy Edgington proclamation read a proclamation, which he also issued at the July 7 City Council meeting, congratulating the lodge for 100 years of fellowship, family and lifelong learning.

Several visiting Masons from Humboldt Lodge #27 in Lovelock, Churchill Masonic Lodge #26 in Fallon and Winnemucca Lodge #19 were on hand to help celebrate the occasion.


On June 21, the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of Nevada issued the charter to Fernley Lodge #34 with 16 members.

Lodge #34 hosts events such as golf tournaments and the 4th of July pancake breakfast, which help fund scholarships for Fernley and Silver State high school graduating seniors.

Graver presented everyone present at the event with a coin that included four concentric circles on one side, with the Masons’ logo in the middle. He said the four circles represent, People, Proficiency, Profit and Passion.

People, he said, represents something that helps our fellow human beings. He defined Proficiency as how good you are at something, and Profit as how it makes you feel when you help somebody.

As for Passion, Graver said. “The closer we get at being good at all these things, the closer we get to the middle.”

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