
Lyon County students compete in Lego Robotics


The Fernley Reporter

A team of Silverland Middle School students won second place at the Lego Robotics competition for 4th through 8th gradez at Eagle Valley Middle School in Carson City.

Silverland Middle School sent the Guardians of the Bricks, who won 2nd place for the Robot Performance Award.

Riverview Elementary School had three teams compete, Crooked Gears, Soaring Lego Robotic Pieces and Fluffy Narwhals.


Dayton Intermediate School sent their team, D.I.R.T (Dayton Intermediate Robotics Team).

All teams had to give three presentations in the morning to judges they did not know, in the categories of Community project, CORE values and How the robot was programmed and why.

The afternoon was the robot competition, where each team programmed their robot to perform certain tasks for points.

Justin Wass from Silver Springs Middle School was nominated by his team, Crooked Gears, for Outstanding Coach and was presented the award in front of all the teams.

Crooked Gears from Riverview,  D.I.R.T from DIS and Guardians of the Bricks from Silverland were invited to the next competition that will be held in Reno on Jan. 27, 2018.

Photos courtesy Erika Garcia, Lyon County School District

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