Community Events

Kickoff event begins fundraising for 2018 Relay for Life


Joseph Maino, The Fernley Reporter
Fernley Relay for Life chairman Marla Nichols poses with a sign commemorating the theme of this years Relay.

Joseph Maino, The Fernley Reporter

The 2018 Relay for Life Kickoff was held at Fernley Intermediate School in the multipurpose room. The theme was “Lights, Camera, Cure” and the attendees dressed up as their favorite movie characters. The Relay for Life Kickoff is the beginning of the fundraising effort for this year’s Relay for Life. Approximately 125 people attended and ate food, played games, and won raffles.

The event organizer, Marla Nichols, has been active in the Fernley Relay for Life activities for 16 years. She notes that the relay itself usually has 300-350 participants.

The Fernley Relay for Life Committee meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. at Round Table Pizza and invites everyone’s participation  If you have an interest in helping with this fundraising event for the American Cancer Society to help find a cure for cancer, please plan to attend.


For more information, call Marla at (925) 963-7578.

Joseph Maino, The Fernley Reporter
Jamie Rodriguez talks with members of a Relay for Life team.

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