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June is USDA’s Homeownership Month


Courtesy USDA Rural Development

USDA Rural Development Nevada is promoting homeownership throughout the month of June, with lower interest rates, now is a great time to shop for a rural home.

“We just finished up a tour of Northern Nevada where we gave workshops on our program to realtors, lenders and title company staff,” said Nevada Housing Program Director Jeff Glass. “Inventories are growing somewhat and interest rates are still low. We recommend homebuyers contact us early to be in a better position when the right house comes along.”

USDA home loans provide 100 percent financing, with no down payment, a low interest rate and up to a 33-year term. The program is available throughout rural Nevada. Urban areas of Clark County, Washoe County and Carson City are not eligible. Ask your local realtor about our program.

This program is designed for families who want to purchase a modest home but cannot afford to purchase with a commercially available mortgage.


For example, in Lyon County, a family of four with a combined household income up to $56,100 may be eligible for the USDA Direct Home Loan. Credit, household expenses and employment history will be reviewed to determine eligibility. USDA’s Guaranteed Home Loan is another option, that is for moderate-income families; for instance a family of four in Lyon County with a combined household income of up to $82,700 may be eligible for the Guaranteed Rural Home Loan. In addition a Manufactured Home Pilot Program in Nevada allows loans on some newer model manufactured homes. Review Nevada’s Manufactured Housing Pilot Project information at

Information on the USDA Rural Home Loan Program in Nevada is available online at

To see if you might qualify, call the USDA Rural Development Nevada State Office in Carson City at (775) 443-4754 or Jeff Glass at (775) 443-4755

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