Community Events

HCC March meeting on trafficking and dementia initiative


Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey Counties (HCC) hosts its March meeting on Thursday, March 10 at 9 a.m. via Zoom. The public meeting includes member updates and introductions, discussion of matters of regional importance to health and wellness, and presentations by guest speakers.

There will be two presentations by guest speakers this month.

The first presentation will include an overview of the work that the Coalition to Prevent the Commercial Exploitation of Children (CSEC) is doing in Nevada to serve children who are sexually trafficked or at risk. CSEC State Coordinator Esther Rodriguez Brown will explain some of the indicators and red flags and how to report.

The CSEC Coalition’s mandate is to develop a comprehensive strategic plan that fosters collaboration and coordination among agencies to improve the capacity to identify CSEC and provide safety and services for them and their families and caregivers, as appropriate, as they work to end their exploitation; and to hold their exploiters accountable.


Next, Rebecca Williams of Lyon County Human Services will explain the new Dementia Friendly Lyon County initiative, which aims to cultivate and strengthen communities in becoming more educated, supportive and inclusive of people living with dementia and their care partners. A second aim is to promote and expand the reach of the Nevada Dementia Supports Toolbox, a collection of evidence-based programs and other services that are currently available within the state to educate and support people living with dementia and their care partners.

Below are the details for joining the meeting via Zoom.

Join the Zoom meeting Thursday March 10, from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m.

Meeting ID: 897 5431 1274

Password: 147839

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