FRW to host virtual forum for Republican Commissioner candidates
Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter
The Fernley Republican Women will host a forum for Republican candidates for the Lyon County Commission during its next meeting at 6:30 p.m. May 19, via GoToMeeting.
Republican candidates for Lyon County commissioner will be participating in a forum answering questions submitted ahead of time. Candidates confirmed to date are Gary Gladwill and Ken Gray, District 3; Robert Jacobson, District 4; and Dave Hockaday, District 5.
The public is always invited to participate; however, an RSVP must be submitted to Peggy Gray at prior to the meeting so the links to join GotoMeeting can be provided.
The FRW’s Caring for America/Adopt-a-Soldier Program collects non-perishable foods for the Fernley Food Bank, along with donations of funds and care items for their adopted soldiers. The soldiers need single serving food items, personal care items and, most especially, cards and letters from home. The Literacy Committee collects new or slightly used children’s books for Bow Wow Books, an organization that teamed up with the Fernley library.
Bow Wow Reading Dogs are non-judgmental certified therapy dogs who listen to children reading aloud. The dog’s handler has been educated on how to help readers learn to read.
All contributions for these important programs will be greatly appreciated. Financial contributions can be sent to the FRW at P. O. Box 412, Fernley, Nevada 89408.Fernley Republican Women is a group of women (and men as associate members) who share similar conservative values and ideals, and who are dedicated to increasing the influence and effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through political education and active political participation.
For more information, please contact Anita Trone at or check the FRW website