
Four people, two dogs displaced after fire


Photos courtesy of North Lyon County Fire Protection District

Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

Two adults, two children and two dogs were displaced from their home because of a fire Tuesday afternoon.

The North Lyon Fire Protection District responded to reports of an active structure fire in the Donner Trails area at approximately 3:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Crews from Station 61 and Station 62 responded and were able to keep the fire contained to one structure.


Firefighters found one of the dogs unconscious using a thermal imaging camera. The dog was revived and taken to a local vet where the dog was later released.

No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is unknown at this time.

The fire district would like to thank the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office for helping on scene and Central Lyon Fire for covering the district while North Lyon crews were involved with the incident.

Nevada State Fire Marshal responded to the scene as well.

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