First virtual training program keeps assisted living med-techs in Nevada certified during Covid-19 pandemic

Despite the challenges assisted living and memory care communities are facing during the novel coronavirus pandemic, the training and certification of team members continue to be a priority not only for communities like Mission Senior Living but also for the state of Nevada, which requires ongoing certification for medical technicians.
Mission Senior Living (MSL), an assisted living and memory care operator with four communities in Nevada, has partnered with MÁJEN Training to host the first-ever virtual med-tech training program in Nevada to ensure its med techs stay certified and equipped with the knowledge and tools to provide exceptional care. In early April, eight team members learned they passed the state-mandated exam after completing 16 hours of mandated training.
The first virtual graduates include:
- From Fernley, Nev.-based Fernley Estates Senior Living and Memory Care, team members Whitney Adams and Hayley Alt.
- From Mesquite, Nev.-based Mesa Valley Estates Senior Living and Memory Care, team member Amanda Zia.
- From Reno, Nev.-based Summit Estates Senior Living and Memory Care, team members Rosa Perez-Nunez, RA; Lindsie Irvin-Connelly RA; Leesa Deevers RA; Angela Davidson, Rylee Butler and Christian Ward. After the good news, Summit Estates Administrator Tara Alto led a leadership class.
“Being there when they received their grades was the best feeling I’ve had in many weeks,” said Alto. “I am truly grateful to take time to celebrate their success.”
“Taking time to maintain certification might not seem like a priority right now, but our residents’ health and quality of life rest on team members providing quality care,” Sarah Green, Vice President of Operations, said. “We’re all in this together and by providing team members with the training, certification and tools they need, they can fulfill our mission of serving safely and with confidence.”
MSL’s social distancing guidelines and essential visitors-only policies made the usual onsite training offered at the communities through MÁJEN no longer an option, said Green. Jennifer Powers, CEO of MÁJEN, suggested virtual training as an alternative.
The medical technicians from Summit Estates Senior Living and Memory Care, Fernley Estates Assisted Living and Memory Care and Mesa Valley Estates practiced social distancing and wore face masks in each community’s respective conference room. Powers led the Zoom video call from her office. It was her first time leading virtual programs.
Powers said reconfiguring the curriculum to ensure all mandatory training and certifications remain current according to state regulations was challenging but doable. “We’ve pushed ourselves to increase our virtual training capacity to provide quality classes without shortchanging our high standards,” said Powers.
“Our team members are the backbones of our communities, said Green “We’re proud to see them embracing this heightened responsibility during this unsettling time. Each of them was called to serve and fulfill a mission, and they’re doing just that.”