Fernley Republican Women install 2021 officers
The Fernley Republican Women installed officers for 2021 at their January 19 meeting.
Lyon County Commissioner Wes Henderson administered the Oath of Office to the incoming officers: Anita Trone, President; Vida Keller, 1st Vice President; Susan Knodell, 2nd Vice President; Carol Franich, Secretary; and Peggy Gray, Treasurer. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting and ceremony were held via GoToMeeting. In spite of the restrictions, the new officers are ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work.
Fernley Republican Women is a group of women (and men as associate members) who share similar conservative values and ideals, and who are dedicated to increasing the influence and effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through political education and active political participation.
For more information, please contact Anita Trone – anitatrone@gmail.com or check the website fernleyrepublicanwomen.com.