Community Events

Fernley Relay for Life canceled


Courtesy of Jill Switzer

Due to health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 crisis, the American Cancer Society has made the decision to suspend all remaining 2020 live Relay for Life events throughout the world.

That doesn’t mean, however, that the fight against cancer is suspended. Here in Fernley and Northern Rural Nevada, we will continue our efforts to fund the mission, to honor our cancer survivors and loved ones we’ve lost, and to thank and support our caregivers and sponsors. This will be done “virtually,” and by practicing safe social distancing habits. This is all new to all of us, and we don’t quite know what it will look like yet, but we’re up for the challenge and making plans as we go. So stay tuned for further updates.

We hope this message finds you, your families and loved ones, safe, healthy and secure. Thank you for your continued support of the American Cancer Society and the Relay for Life of Fernley and Rural Nevada.


Please feel free to contact Event Lead Marla Nichols ( or me ( if you have any questions or you’d like to volunteer your help and support.

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