City of Fernley

Fernley Municipal Court establishes virtual court system


Following Governor Sisolak’s directive regarding Nevada’s phase one
reopening plan, The Fernley Municipal Court has established a virtual court system.

The Court has worked, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure there is access to Fernley

Municipal Court while prioritizing the health and safety of its staff, court users and the public.

Effective immediately, all Fernley Municipal Court cases will be heard virtually, with all interactions taking place by video or telephone. The Court will be sending defendants letters that will contain the information needed to virtually access their court hearings.


The Court’s shift to a virtual court system will make it possible for participants to resolve their cases remotely via ZOOM and will eliminate person-to-person contact in court proceedings.

For more information, regarding virtual court operations or to obtain information regarding an upcoming hearing, contact the Court at (775) 784-9870 or

2 thoughts on “Fernley Municipal Court establishes virtual court system

  • Clarence Shields

    The virtual court is a great idea. It would be nice if they expanded the virtual court so citizens could watch court proceedings. like sitting in the gallery. Keep an eye on our judicial system.

    • Lori Matheus

      Mr. Shields,
      Fernley Municipal Court appreciates your feedback and agrees that citizens should have the ability to watch court proceedings as if they were sitting in the gallery. Fernley Municipal Court will explore the option of streaming virtual hearings. The Court’s webpage will be updated with instructions once the process has been put in place (


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