
Fernley High School scholarship awards


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

The following students were recognized at Fernley High School’s Senior Awards Night on June 12. Below is the list of students and the scholarships they were awarded. In addition, 70 students were recognized as potentially qualifying for the Millennium Scholarship and 12 students potentially qualify for the Nevada Promise Scholarship.

Chayce Barba

NV Battle Born PTA

Destiny Crowder

Robert Z. Hawkins

Eric Wootton

Roger W. Denn Fernley Masonic Lodge Scholarship

Erin Marden

Dennis Pierre Zubieta

Pioneer Crossing Memorial Scholarship

Gabriel Wilson

East Valley Elementary

Grace Ward

Dennis Pierre Zubieta

NV Battle Born PTA

University of Montana- Western Alumni Association

East Valley Elementary

Roger W. Denn Fernley Masonic Lodge Scholarship


Marjorie Washburn Scholarship

Diana Wagner Memorial Scholarship

Gil & Alice Clements

Jaycee Kilbride

East Valley Elementary

Jodi Hieronymus

Kelli Russel Memorial Scholarship

Joshua Kirk

Dennis Pierre Zubieta

Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award

Nevada Bighorns Unlimited

Pioneer Crossing Memorial Scholarship

Rotary Club of Fernley

Diana Wagner Memorial Scholarship

NV State Firefighters Association

NV Energy

Joshua L Anderson

Fernley STEM Council

James Lathrop & Wayne Capurro Internship

Lauren Adamson

Leslie Diane Milners HOPE Scholarship

Lauryn Koch

East Valley Elementary


Rotary Club of Fernley

Mya Barbetti-Serrano

Gil & Alice Clements

Ryan Harer

Cottonwood Elementary

Sara Miller

Lyon County 4-H Leaders Council

Nevada Junior Livestock Show Board

Ethan McKinney Award of Excellence Scholarship

Jessica Davis Memorial Scholarship

Americal Legion National High School Oratorical Scholarship

Fernley Rotary Speech Contest

Sierra Martin

Dennis Pierre Zubieta

East Valley Elementary

Taylor Foy

Cottonwood Elementary

Zachery Burns

Fernley Elementary


Robert Z. Hawkins

Diana Wagner Memorial Scholarship

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