Fernley City Council, March 2
1. INTRODUCTORY ITEMS 1.1. Roll Call 1.2. Public Forum 1.3. (Possible Action) Approval of Agenda 2. CONSENT AGENDA 2.1. (Possible Action) Approval of Voucher Report Vouchers for FCC Meeting 03022022 2.2. (Possible Action) Approval of Business Licenses New Feb 2022_2 2.3. Possible Action to approve the job description and wage scale for the Development Services Coordinator. Agenda Report 2022.02 DRAFT Development Services Coordinator 2.4. Possible Action to Approve the Will-Serve Request from Friendly 5 Ranch Subdivision Village 1 for 77.3 ERC’s for Water and 75 ERC’s for Sewer for 75 Single Family Residential lots and irrigation for Lyon County Parcel 021-303-09, -47, -49, -52, -54 located at Farm District Rd. between Jessica Ln and Country Rd. Fernley, NV 89408 Agenda Report 2022.03.02 Will Serve – Friendly 5 Ranch Sub Ph1 (75 Lots) 2022.03.02 Will Serve – Friendly 5 Ranch Sub Ph1 (irrigation) Friendly5_V1_Assignment to Will Serve_Signed_2022.02.10 2.5. Possible Action to Approve the Will-Serve Request from Mark IV Capital (Victory Logistics Build A Irrigation) for 1.25 ERC’s for Water and 0 ERC’s for Sewer for landscaping at building A, Lyon County Parcel 021-242-22 located at 1895 Duffy Road, Fernley, NV 89408 Agenda Report 2022.03.02 Will Serve – Victory Logistics Build A Irrigation 2.6. Possible Action to Approve the Will-Serve Request from The Meadows at Inglewood, 1032 Inglewood Dr. Unit #110- 115 for .35 ERC’s for Water and .94 ERC’s for Sewer for Lyon County Parcel 020-341-01 located at 1032 Inglewood Drive Unit #110-115, Fernley, NV 89408 Agenda Report 2022.03.02 Will Serve TMAI Building B Unit 110-0115 – Restroom and Breakroom 3. REPORTS This item is for various public entity representatives to provide general information to the Council and public. No action will be taken. 3.1. Reports by City Staff, City Council, and the Mayor, including but not limited to monthly statistical reports by city departments. 4. PROCLAMATIONS BY THE MAYOR 5. STAFF REPORTS 5.1. Discussion and Possible Action to approve the City Attorney, Brandi Jensen’s past year’s employment performance, and the City Council and Mayor’s satisfaction with the City Attorney’s employment performance including but not limited to: a. City Attorney Contract Compliance b. General Performance as the City Attorney c. Compensation Agenda Report 5.2. A. Discussion and Possible Action to approve the City Manager, Daphne Hooper’s annual employment performance, established goals, and the City Council and Mayor’s satisfaction with the City Manager’s employment performance and general performance as the City Manager. B. Discussion and Possible Action to approve City Manager Daphne Hooper’s salary. Agenda Report 5.3. (For possible action) Approval to include $30,000 total for Fireworks for July 2022. (Mayor Edgington) Agenda Report 5.4. Possible action to approve City of Fernley Election Sign Policy Agenda Report Election Sign Policy NDOT Political Sign Brochure 6. RESOLUTIONS 6.1. Discussion and possible action to approve resolutions 22-005, 22-006, 22-007 and 22-008 increasing the wastewater and water utility rate schedules and connection fees. Agenda Report Staff Report-2022.03.02 Water & Sewer Rate Change Resolutions City of Fernley 2021 Utility Rate Study (Final) 2022 Business Impact Statement Water-Sewer Resolution 22-005 Wastewater Rate Schedule Resolution Resolution 22-006 Wastewater Connection Fee Resolution Resolution 22-007 Water Rate Schedule Resolution Resolution 22-008 Water Connection Fee Resolution 7. ITEMS REQUESTED BY MAYOR OR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS 7.1. Discussion and possible action requesting a future agenda item addressing updating the Master Plan for retention ponds and parks. (Mayor Edgington’s request) 7.2. Discussion and possible action requesting a future agenda item regarding future ideas for the Fernley Depot. 8. ADDRESS REQUEST(S) FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 9. PUBLIC FORUM 10. ADJOURNMENT |